Practicing School Bus Safety Vermilion Parish Schools.

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2 Practicing School Bus Safety Vermilion Parish Schools

3 10/5/2015Beth Nance2 School Bus Safety School Bus Safety begins at home Follow rules when boarding bus Important things to remember when getting off bus Parents must help too.

4 10/5/2015Beth Nance3 Dress Right Don’t wear anything that could catch on the bus when you’re getting on or off. (Ex. Drawstrings can catch on handrails.)

5 10/5/2015Beth Nance4 Be on Time Leave home early enough to avoid having to hurry.

6 10/5/2015Beth Nance5 Stay out of the road Bus Stop Safety Stand at least 8 giant steps back from highway. Wait for your bus in a safe place. Watch for traffic. Stay away from strangers.

7 10/5/2015Beth Nance6 Board the bus safely 1.Wait for the bus to come to a full stop. 2.No pushing or shoving. 3.Walk, don’t run, when all is clear. 4.Look left, then right, then left again.

8 10/5/2015Beth Nance7 Board the bus safely (Cont’d) 5.Keep looking and listening until safely across. Don’t count on traffic stopping. 6.Sit down as soon as you can. It’s not safe to stand.

9 10/5/2015Beth Nance8 Keep the aisle clear. Pack your things in a book bag or backpack. Keep your bag on your lap or under your seat. Keep your arms and legs out of the aisle.

10 10/5/2015Beth Nance9 Keep your hands inside the bus Never throw anything out of the window. Don’t lean against the window.

11 10/5/2015Beth Nance10 Leave the bus driver alone Don’t talk to the driver unless it’s an emergency. It’s OK to talk softly to the person sitting next to you.

12 10/5/2015Beth Nance11 Getting off bus Stay seated until the bus comes to a full stop. Then, get off promptly. Go directly home. Do not stop at the mail box, or horse play around near the road.

13 10/5/2015Beth Nance12 Danger Zone

14 10/5/2015Beth Nance13 Stay in clear sight Make sure you are at least 10 feet from the bus and you can see the bus driver’s face. Never walk behind the bus or close to the wheels or sides. Know the danger zone.

15 10/5/2015Beth Nance14 Stop, Look and Listen Look left, then right, then left again. Walk, don’t run, when all is clear. Keep looking and listening until safely across. Don’t count on traffic stopping.

16 10/5/2015Beth Nance15 Tell the bus driver if you drop anything. Never reach under or in front of the bus. Wave to the driver, if you can see the driver the driver can see you.

17 Violation of the Bus Rules 1 st offense 2 nd offense 3 rd offense 4 th offense 5 th offense Written warning & parent called by driver Move to the front seat for 2 week minimum 3 day bus suspension 5 day bus suspension and conference with school Suspended off bus the rest of the year. 10/5/2015Beth Nance16

18 10/5/2015Beth Nance17 A Day of Education Begins and Ends With Transportation Bladen County VPSB

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