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HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 11- BDLC, Slide 1 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other.

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1 HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 11- BDLC, Slide 1 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. BYTE DATA LINK CONTROLLER (BDLC )

2 HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 11- BDLC, Slide 2 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. Internal Bus SCI 1 256K FLASEEPROM 12K SRAM ATD 1 HCS12 CPU BKP INT MMI CM BDM MEBI 4K BYTES EEPROM SIM msCAN 3 msCAN 2 msCAN 1 SCI 1 SPI 2 or PWM CH 4-7 BDLC or msCAN 0 msCAN 4 or IIC SPI 1 or PWM CH 0-3 SPI 0 ATD 0 PIM PLL PIT ECT 8 CHAN PWM 8 CHAN

3 HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 11- BDLC, Slide 3 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. BDLC CONTROLLER SAE J1850 Compatible 10.4Kbps VPW bit format Digital noise filter Collision detection Hardware CRC generation & checking Receive and Transmit Block mode supported Supports 4X receive mode (41.6 Kbps) Digital loopback mode In-frame Response (IFR) Types 0, 1, 2, and 3 supported Power-Saving Stop and Wait modes with Automatic Wakeup on Network Activity Interrupt Generation with Vector Lookup Table FEATURES:

4 HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 11- BDLC, Slide 4 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. BDLC Block Diagram Protocol Handler: responsible for encoding and decoding of data bits and special message symbols CPU Interface: contains software addressable registers and provides link between CPU and Buffers Rx/Tx Buffers: provide storage for data received and transmitted onto the J1850 bus MUX Interface: provides link between the BDLC digital section and the analog Physical Interface Physical Interface: performs wave shaping, driving and digitizing of data To CPU To J1850 Bus

5 HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 11- BDLC, Slide 5 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. OPERATING MODES Power Off Reset Run BDLC Stop BDLC Wait No MCU reset source asserted (WAIT instruction and WCM =0) Network activity or other MCU wake-up STOP Instruction or (WAIT instruction and WCM =1) Network Activity or other MCU wake-up V dd > V dd (Min) and any MCU reset source asserted V dd < V dd (Min) Any MCU reset source asserted (from any mode) (COP,CM, RESET, POR)

6 HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 11- BDLC, Slide 6 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. BDLC BLOCK DIAGRAM To CPU Protocol Handler: responsible for encoding and decoding of data bits and special message symbols CPU Interface: contains software addressable registers and provides link between CPU and Buffers Rx/Tx Buffers: provide storage for data received and transmitted onto the J1850 bus MUX Interface: provides link between the BDLC digital section and the analog Physical Interface Physical Interface: performs wave shaping, driving and digitizing of data To J1850 Bus

7 HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 11- BDLC, Slide 7 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. CPU Interface: contains software addressable registers and provides link between HCS12 CPU and Buffers BDLC CPU Interface BDLC Control Register 1 (DLCBCR1) BDR Protocol handler (BDR) User Registers DLCBDLC Port Register (DLCSCR) BDLC Analog Roundtrip Delay (DLCBARD) BDLC Rate Select Register (DLCBRSR) BDLC Port Direction (DLCBSTAT) Address Offset $0000 $0001 $0002 $0003 $0004 $0005 $006 $0007 BDLC State Vector Register (DLCBSVR) BDLC Control Register 2 (DLCBCR2)

8 HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 11- BDLC, Slide 8 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. –Ignore Message (IMSG) Disables receiver until new Start of Frame (SOF) is detected Cleared automatically by reception of SOF symbol or a BREAK symbol It then generates interrupt requests and will allow changes to the status register to occur All BDLC interrupt requests will be masked when this bit is set 1 = Disable Receiver 0 = Enable Receiver –Clock Select (CLKS) Selects BDLC Nominal Frequency (f bdlc ) 1 = Binary frequency (1.048576 MHz) is used for f bdlc 0 = Integer frequency (1 MHZ) is used for f bdlc –Rate Select (R1, R0) Determines the amount by which the frequency of the MCU system clock signal (f TCLKS ) is divided to form the MUX Interface clock (f bdlc ) ³Defines the basic timing resolution of the MUX Interface –Interrupt Enable (IE) 1 = Enable Interrupt requests from BDLC 0 = Disable Interrupt requests from BDLC BDLC Control Registers DLCBCR1 - BDLC Control Register 1 Wait Clock Module (WCM) –Determines operation of BDLC during CPU Wait mode 1 = Stop BDLC internal clocks during CPU wait mode 0 = Wait BDLC internal clocks during CPU wait mode Address Offset $0000

9 HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 11- BDLC, Slide 9 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. BDLC Rate Selection BDLC Rate Selection for Binary Frequencies BDLC Rate Selection for Integer Frequencies DLCBRSR - BDLC Rate Select Register Address Offset $0005

10 HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 11- BDLC, Slide 10 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. –State Machine Reset (SMRST) 1 = Arms the state Machine but does not reset BDLC 0 = Clearing SMRST after it has been set, causes BDLC to reset –Digital Loopback Mode (DLOOP) Determines the source to which RXPD is connected and can be used to isolate bus fault conditions 1 = RxPD is connected to TxPD, BDLC is now in Digital Loopback Mode 0 = RxPD is connected to RxPA, BDLC is taken out of Digital Loopback Mode –Receive 4X Enable (RX4XE) Determines if the BDLC operates at normal transmit and receive speed (10.4 kbps) or receive only at 41.6 kbps 1 = BDLC is put in 4X receive only operation 0 = BDLC transmits and receives at 10.4 kbps Rx4x4 Defines the basic timing resolution of the MUX Interface BDLC Control Registers DLCBCR2 - BDLC Control Register 2 Normalized Bit Format Select(NBFS) –Control the format of the Normalization Bit (NB) 1 = NB that is received or transmitted is a ‘0’ when the response part of IN-Frame Response (IFR) ends with a CRC byte. 0 = NB that is received or transmitted is a ‘1’when the response part of IN-Frame Response (IFR) ends with a CRC byte. Transmit End of Data (TEOD) –Set by programmer to indicate the end of a message being sent by the BDLC 1 = Transmit EOD symbol 0 = TEOD bit will be automatically cleared at the rising edge of the first CRC bit that is sent, or if an error is detected Address Offset $0002

11 HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 11- BDLC, Slide 11 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. BDLC Frame Format SOF - Start of Frame Symbol A message Frame always begins with a SOF symbol Data – In Message Data Bytes The data bytes contained in the message include the message priority/type, message I.D. byte, and any actual data being transmitted to the receiving node. CRC – Cyclical Redundancy This byte is used by the receiver(s) of each message to determine if any errors have occurred during the transmission of the message. EOD – End of Data Symbol The EOD symbol is a long passive period on the J1850 bus used to signify to any recipients of a message that the transmission by the originator has completed. IFR – In Frame Response Bytes The IFR section of the J1850 message format is optional. Users desiring further definition of in-frame response should review the “SAE J1850 EOF – End of Frame Symbol This symbol is a passive period on the J1850 bus, longer than an EOD symbol, which signifies the end of a message. Since an EOF symbol is longer than an EOD symbol, if no response is transmitted after an EOD symbol, it becomes an EOF, and the message is assumed to be completed.The EOF flag is set upon receiving the EOF symbol. IFS – Inter-Frame Separation Symbol The IFS symbol is a passive period on the J1850 bus which allows proper synchronization between nodes during continuous message transmission. The IFS symbol is transmitted by a node following the completion of the EOF period.

12 HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 11- BDLC, Slide 12 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. Transmit In-Frame Response Control (TSIFR, TMIFR1, TMIFR0) Transmit In-Frame Response Control Bit Priority Encoding XX 00 1X 01 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 WRITE TMIFR1 WRITE TMIFR0 ACTUAL TSIFR ACTUAL TMIFR1 ACTUAL TMIFR0 WRITE TSIFR1 0 0 1 0 Control the type of In-Frame Response being sent Programmer should not set more than one of these control bits to a one at any given time –If more than one of these three control bits are set to one, the priority encoding logic will force these register bits to a known value Types of In-Frame Response

13 HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 11- BDLC, Slide 13 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. BDLC State Vector Register BSVRI3I2I1I0Interrupt SourcePriority $000000No Interrupt Pending0(lowest) $040001Received EOF1 $080010Received IFR byte (RXIFR)2 $0C0011Rx Data register full (RDRF)3 $100100Tx data register empty (TDRE)4 $140101Loss of arbitration5 $180110CRC error6 $1C0111Symbol invalid or out of range7 $201000Wakeup8(highest) Decreases CPU overhead associated with servicing interrupts while under operation of a MUX protocol It provides a index offset that is directly related to the BDLC’s current state, which can be used with a user supplied jump table to rapidly enter an interrupt service routine Eliminates the need for the user to maintain a duplicate state machine in software. I0, I1, I2, I3 - indicate the source off the interrupt request that is currently pending Address Offset $0001 DLCBDLC - State Vector Register

14 HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 11- BDLC, Slide 14 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. BDLC Data Register Used to pass the data to be transmitted to the J1850 bus from the CPU to the BDLC Used to pass data received from the J1850 bus to the CPU DLCBDR is double buffered via a transmit shadow register and receive shadow register BDLC Data Register DLCBDR - BDLC Data Register DATA IN DATA OUT Receive Shadow Register Rx Shift Register RECEIVER: RDRF Flag sets each time new data is transferred from the Rx shift register to the Receive Shadow Register. TDRE Flag sets each time new data is transferred from the Transmit Shadow Register to the transmit Tx shift register. Transmit Shadow Register Tx Shift Register DATA IN DATA OUT TRANSMITTER: Address Offset $0003

15 HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 11- BDLC, Slide 15 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. BDLC Analog Round Trip Register BARD Offset Expected Delay [B3:B0] (us) 0000 9 0001 10 - - 1110 23 1111 24 RxPOL - Receive Pin Polarity 0 = Select Inverted Polarity 1 = Select Normal Polarity DLCSCR - BDLC Control Register BDLCE - BDLC Enable 0 = BDLC Pins are set for GPI/O 1 = BDLC Pins are set for BDLC Function Address Offset $0004 Address Offset $0006 $0007 BO[3:0] Bit Encoding DLCBSTAT - BDLC Status Register IDLE 1 = BDLC received IFS (No Data being transmitted or received) 0 = BDLC is either transmitting or receiving DLCBARD - BDLC Round Trip Delay Register

16 HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 11- BDLC, Slide 16 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. BDLC BLOCK DIAGRAM Protocol Handler: responsible for encoding and decoding of data bits and special message symbols CPU Interface: contains software addressable registers and provides link between CPU and Buffers Rx/Tx Buffers: provide storage for data received and transmitted onto the J1850 bus MUX Interface: provides link between the BDLC digital section and the analog Physical Interface Physical Interface: performs wave shaping, driving and digitizing of data To CPU To J1850 Bus BDLC Protocol Handler: Responsible for framing, collision detection, arbitration, CRC generation/checking, and error detection. It conforms to SAE J1850 - Class B Data Communications Network Interface.

17 HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 11- BDLC, Slide 17 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. State Machine Rx Shift RegisterTx Shift Register Rx Shadow Register Tx Shadow Register Loopback Multiplexer RxP TxP DLOOP from BCR2 loopback control Control Tx Data 8 Rx Data RxP TxP 8 PROTOCOL ARCHITECTURE To Physical Interface To CPU Interface & Rx/Tx Buffer’s

18 HCS12 Technical Training, Rev 2.0 Module 11- BDLC, Slide 18 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc. 2001. Error ConditionBDLC Function Bus short to V batt.The BDLC will not transmit until the bus is idle Bus short to Gnd. Thermal overload will shutdown physical interface. Fault condition is reflected in BSVR as invalid symbol. Invalid Symbol: BDLC receives invalid bits(noise) The BDLC will abort transmission immediately. Invalid symbol interrupt will be generated Framing Error CRC error interrupt will be generated. The BDLC will wait for SOF.CRC Error Invalid Symbol interrupt will be generated. The BDLC will wait for SOF. BDLC Receives Break symbol The BDLC will wait for the next valid SOF. Invalid symbol interrupt will be generated Invalid Symbol: BDLC send an EOD but receives an active symbol. Invalid symbol interrupt will be generated. The BDLC will wait for SOF. BDLC J1850 BUS ERROR SUMMARY

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