Vocab + why + example = 1 mark. GOOD High Quality Marvellous Terrific Superior High standard High grade Remarkable Excellent Wonderful.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocab + why + example = 1 mark. GOOD High Quality Marvellous Terrific Superior High standard High grade Remarkable Excellent Wonderful."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocab + why + example = 1 mark

2 GOOD High Quality Marvellous Terrific Superior High standard High grade Remarkable Excellent Wonderful

3 BAD Dreadful Appalling Shocking Awful Outrageous Vile Horrific

4 IMPROVE Enhance Develop Add To Supplement Expand

5 VOICE Articulation Fluency Intonation Register Clarity Pause Pitch Accent Pace Timing Tone Volume Emphasis MOVEMENT Blocking Masking Stance Balance Body Language Gesture Facial Expression Mime Posture Pace Timing Slow Motion

6 MOVEMENT (using body as means of communication) Blocking Masking Stance Balance Body Language Gesture Facial Expression Mime Posture Pace Timing Slow Motion

7 Lighting Barn Doors G Clamp (gauze) Gobo Safety Chain Focusing (the lights) Black out Slow fade Cross fade Snap-to Lighting Cue Gel Pyrotechnics Follow Spot Profile Spot Spotlight lantern

8 Sound Mixing Desk Sound cue Cross fade Recorded voice over Costume Write in super detail for full marks props-short for properties –objects used by actors Props Personal Prop Set prop

9 Set- scenery used to show where the drama takes place Back cloth Cyclorama Gauze Flies Door Flats Window Flats Flats Scenery Trapdoor Rostra Treads Truck Wings Backstage Other Prompt Prompt-copy Prompt-side (left hand side where stage manager and prompt sit)

10 Staging- position of acting area relevant to the audience Venue Thrust Theatre in the round End on Proscenium Arch Promenade Avenue Auditorium Audience Revolving Stage Ground plan Key Rake Front of House (FOH) Enter/exit Sight lines –what the audience can see from where they are sitting Stage Directions Stalls, balcony, dress circle

11 CONVENTIONS alternative ways of presenting all or parts of a presentation Slow motion Tableau (C) / Frozen Picture (F) Freeze Frame –action frozen in time Soliloquy Flashback/flash forward Narration Voice Over( recorded speech played during a drama)/ Voice in Head (recall words said by others about a character or situation) Mime Monologue soliloquy OTHER ACTING TECHNIQUES Aside- to audience only Stage whisper Masks stereotype

12 CHARACTERISATION - the process of developing a character fully Character Role Play - exploring attitudes and beliefs Thought Tracking - when prompted the character says their thoughts outloud Voice in the Head Writing in Role Hot Seating Thought Tunnel - character walks past other characters. Those other characters speak their thoughts outloud usually about the character walking past.

13 FORM & STRUCTURE –overall style of the drama Rehearsed Improvisation Scripted Presentation Spontaneous Improvisation Docudrama Mime Dance Drama Musical Radio Play Puppet Show Monologue Forum Theatre Pantomime

14 Other Structure Type Things To Know Creating -process of developing the drama’s content through a variety of means. Script Playwright t- the author of a play Plot Dramatic irony – when the audience gets the joke but the characters don’t Dialouge - conversation between two or more characters Rehearsal Scene -section of a drama set in one place at one time Dress Rehearsal - final rehearsal with use of theatre arts. Presenting Play - another word for drama

15 PURPOSE- important stuff here! Focus - a key moment or event in drama Status -importance of each character with relevance to other characters in the story (those with more power usually have higher status) Evaluate Scenario -TIME PLACE ACTION Stimulus Target audience Tension

16 Respond to stimulus Offering ideas Discuss and select idea Form and structure Set up space Creating Rehearse and revise Adding theatre arts Performance Evaluate The Drama Process

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