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1 EUROPEAN REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT FUND INTERREG IVC CAPITALISATION Objective of the programme capitalisation Regions for Economic Change workshop Brussels,

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Presentation on theme: "1 EUROPEAN REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT FUND INTERREG IVC CAPITALISATION Objective of the programme capitalisation Regions for Economic Change workshop Brussels,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 EUROPEAN REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT FUND INTERREG IVC CAPITALISATION Objective of the programme capitalisation Regions for Economic Change workshop Brussels, 20 May 2010 Michel LAMBLIN | Programme Director

2 2 Regions for Economic Change workshop - Brussels, 20 May 2010 Summary 1.Capitalisation vs Capitalisation! 2.Capitalisation projects 3.Capitalisation at Programme level: the IVC experimentation on innovation 4.INTERREG IVC State of play

3 3 Regions for Economic Change workshop - Brussels, 20 May 2010 1- Capitalisation vs Capitalisation Two Capitalisation concepts within IVC: -at project level, one type of intervention is called Capitalisation project, aiming at the transfer of good practices into regional programme-s; some, which have been Fast-Tracked by the Commission, were presented today; -at programme level, the JTS is clustering projects working on similar sub-themes in order to experiment a capitalisation on one sub-theme in order to capitalise on their experience and disseminate the results at a wide scale.

4 4 Regions for Economic Change workshop - Brussels, 20 May 2010 2- Capitalisation Projects Capitalisation Project -specific IVC type of intervention -more top-down (the project concludes with action plans) -targeted to transferring good practices -shorter than the Regional Initiative Project (more bottom-up) -some CAPs are fast-tracked by the EU Commission

5 5 Regions for Economic Change workshop - Brussels, 20 May 2010 3- Capitalisation at Programme level Capitalisation at Programme level (Definition) Process of collecting, analysing, disseminating and transferring good practices in a certain policy area with the objective of optimising the results achieved in this specific domain of regional policy

6 6 Regions for Economic Change workshop - Brussels, 20 May 2010 Programme Priorities Innovation, Research & Technology Development (21 running projects) Entrepreneurship and SMEs Information Society Employment, Human Resources and Education Priority 1: Innovation and Knowledge Economy (177 M ERDF) Priority 2: Environment and Risk Prevention (125 M ERDF) Energy and Sustainable Transport Biodiversity and Preservation of Natural Heritage (incl. air quality) Natural and Technological Risks (incl. climate change) Water & Waste Management Cultural Heritage and Landscape 3- Capitalisation at programme level

7 7 Regions for Economic Change workshop - Brussels, 20 May 2010 Generalisation on programme capitalisation: for all subthemes depending on outcome of experimentation and recommendation of external programme evaluators discussion & decision by the INTERREG IVC Monitoring Committee in June - October 2010 3- Capitalisation at programme level

8 8 Programme implementation – May 2010 Two open calls for proposals carried out (2008 & 2009) Almost 1000 applications received (9000 local and regional authorities applying, for a total of EUR 1.6 bn !) Third call dedicated to Cap. Projects: Projects currently under evaluation Fourth call planned for end of 2010 / beginning of 2011 Terms of reference not available yet 4- INTERREG IVC state of play

9 9 Programme implementation – May 2010 115 running projects - 71 projects in priority 1 Innovation & knowledge economy; 44 project in priority 2 Environment & risk prevention - 102 Regional Initiative / 13 Capitalisation Projects EUR 192 million ERDF allocated (64% of EUR 302 million, total available ERDF budget) => still EUR 110 million ERDF available 4- Programme state of play

10 10 Regions for Economic Change workshop - Brussels, 20 May 2010 Capitalisation Projects achievements Expected results Leverage effect 4- Programme state of play Action plans (target value) Estimated amount of mainstream funds (target value) 1st call (6 projects)59EUR 167 million 2 nd call (7 projects)72EUR 142 million TOTAL131EUR 309 million Capitalisation Project ERDF budget Leverage effect Estimated amount of mainstream funds impacted EUR 20 millionx 15= EUR 309 million

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