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How to best use it. Guidelines & Pitfalls American Conference Institute.

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Presentation on theme: "How to best use it. Guidelines & Pitfalls American Conference Institute."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to best use it. Guidelines & Pitfalls American Conference Institute

2 Why should you use Twitter? Instant communication with millions of users that could potentially lead to business opportunities. Showcase your expertise on a subject Find other firms that share the same interests and practice as your firm Find information on your competition Stay up to date on the latest updates from government regulators & compliance Drive traffic back to your website American Conference Institute

3 What makes you an expert? Sharing your insights on Twitter to spark discussions Mention your new blog post or video podcast Found an interesting whitepaper? Share it with your followers and post your comments. Tweet about the trending cases and legal issues your firm mainly deals with Real experts also listen and raise questions American Conference Institute

4 Follow up with the people you follow and those who follow you. Social media is a two way street, so it is highly encouraged to engage with your audience Real experts listen and provide constructive feedback Showing interests in others tweets leads to new followers Ask questions and Retweet the content you think is of quality American Conference Institute

5 Monitor your mentions, retweets, replies, hash-tags! Monitoring "mentions" is crucial if you want to see who is reaching out to you. Give thanks to anyone who Retweets your content. Monitor “#” terms to keep tabs on what your followers are saying about a certain topic. American Conference Institute

6 Avoid legal counseling via any form of social media Privacy rarely exist in social media 140 characters is not enough to disclose any forms of legal matters with potential clients Every single blog posts should have a disclaimer at the bottom Advice should never go beyond pointing someone in the right direction American Conference Institute

7 Takeaways Tweet opinions, facts, blog posts, articles, and updates about your firm. Keep in touch with your followers and the people your following by monitoring Ask questions, Retweet, and provide constructive feedback Never consult or tweet details about the cases your working on You can reach out to someone with a private Direct Message and encourage them to make an appointment with you. Be genuine, enjoy making new contacts, and always keep an eye out for new business opportunities. American Conference Institute

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