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Author(s) (Name of student) and their Affiliation (Department/Course/Club, School Name and Address) FUTURE DIRECTIONS RESULTS: ANALYSIS AND IMPLICATIONS.

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Presentation on theme: "Author(s) (Name of student) and their Affiliation (Department/Course/Club, School Name and Address) FUTURE DIRECTIONS RESULTS: ANALYSIS AND IMPLICATIONS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Author(s) (Name of student) and their Affiliation (Department/Course/Club, School Name and Address) FUTURE DIRECTIONS RESULTS: ANALYSIS AND IMPLICATIONS RESULTS: KEY FINDINGS REFERENCES Only the papers referenced in the poster should be included here, and they should be numbered in their order of appearance Use a consistent format (e.g. APA format) for listing articles.. CONCLUSION Explain the following in 1-2 paragraphs: Reiterate 1-2 key research questions Recap main areas of research and synopsis of research results to date (1-2 sentences) Identify outstanding questions, and which future directions of this research should be prioritized to address these questions Explain how this future area research could be explored TITLE: 8-12 words long, and 70-100 pt text; it should comprehensively describe the research topic and capture the audience’s interest INTRODUCTION Your introduction should provide an overview and background knowledge on the topic that you are researching, and should address the following questions in 1-2 full paragraphs: What is your topic? Is there a specific subtopic or area of research that your literature review is focused on? What are the basic (2-3 sentence) overview for your topic? Are there any terms, concepts, or processes that you need your audience to know in order to understand the rest of your poster? Why is this topic of interest to people? Why is this topic relevant and important? CURRENT RESEARCH Figure 1: Descriptive figure legend title: This graph shows that…. Within 1-3 full paragraphs, address the questions below: What are current topics of research in this field? What kinds of experimental procedures and methods of data collection are used? Are there certain types of processes or materials that are commonly used in this area of research? How do researchers measure or assess their data and results? How do researchers analyze their data to make meaning of their results and identify next steps in their research? What are the 2-3 main takeaways from the current research on the topic? Figure 1: Descriptive figure legend title: This graph shows….. Make sure to cite articles that you have obtained charts, graphs, or facts from. Figure 2: Legend Within 1-2 full paragraphs accomplish the following Build on and explain on possible future directions of this research Consider implications of prior research, and open questions or gaps of knowledge that can be investigated Explain these proposed areas of future research would contribute to this area of research and expand knowledge of this topic. Advisor Name : Use bullet points to convey main points and to annotate diagrams Highlight key findings from current literature Identify key trends and patterns in research Use 2-3 charts and diagrams to present information Use bullet points to convey main implications and open questions and to annotate diagrams Highlight gaps or unclear findings from current literature May use 2-3 charts and diagrams to show how data was analyzed, and to select key points of analysis Explain HOW analysis of data was performed Describe implications associated with data analysis – how does analysis explain HOW and WHY?

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