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PSYCHOLOGY …AND MEDICINE Zsolt B. Major - 3rd lecture.

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Presentation on theme: "PSYCHOLOGY …AND MEDICINE Zsolt B. Major - 3rd lecture."— Presentation transcript:

1 PSYCHOLOGY …AND MEDICINE Zsolt B. Major - 3rd lecture

2 INTER ALIA… How can we keep our „Self-force” for avoid executing clearly bad decisions?

3 Social psychology The human mass „Jesus!” + + + + + = „Barabas!” Le Bon: The mass is a formation which has an independent personality, and the individuals belonging in it, loose their own ones… Goal: To prosper in the social world= to detect it predictable (=look behind the surface, to know and to recognize the working mechanism of the social processes!) The „Le Bon law”: A group’s performance, opinion, or act will always converge to the weakest member’s level…

4 THE HUMAN MASS: Fundamental attributional error… (individual in mass…– but it does not discharge!) Hidden curriculum…: In Hungary the behavioral sciences ar not respected so well… - but it’impossible to change others…; so keep attention and effort on you: Do not stand in the line…! Team work – see also at Janis’s „Group-thinking phenomenon”!

5 Social psychology Other social impacts Formation into groups: Sherif In a summer camp immediately burn a group-consciousness between two randomly raffled children group – The „blue” started hating the „reds” and similar the opposit…

6 Groups and values…: The groups we feel belong to, and from we accept and get our values to follow Primary & secondary groups – family, school, work place, etc. = received values Reference groups – freinds, political party, etc = choosen values Basic need for belong somewhere – See Sherif’s experiment, individual psychology… Be conscious – see later in developmental psychology Erickson’s theory Social psychology Other social impacts


8 Social roles (came from values): Roles – dad, boss, husband, mommy, girlfreind, etc. Scenarios – restaurant, workplace, family dinner, Role of „FUTURE DOCTOR” against role of student…! Social psychology Other social impacts Scenarios&roles helps us to organize our behavior in different social situations

9 The „group decision” phenomenon: Janis „How could we be so stupid?” (Kennedy…, after the fiasco of invasion against Cuba in the „Pig bay”) Symptoms: Convergence Polarization – the group’s opinion is becoming more&more extreme Self-appointed censors Push against the oppositors Defense: Counsciously play the „devil’s advocat” role Promote the unconfused discussion Social psychology Other social impacts

10 GROUPS/GROUP THINKING PHENOMENON – practical benefits: Groups of patients, nurses, colleages… Human groups – see/compare with stereotypes, perception conducted by schemas! Consiliums… Leader’s decisions Meetings Group meetings / common, shared learning (danger of polarization into bad direction…) To be a doctor = Social rank, but also responsibility – HUMILITY…!!

11 What for you can use a pen in addition to the scriptures…?

12 Social psychology Other social impacts Social facilitation vs inhibition = achievment under presence of others, more exactly when others are paying attention to us, to our achievment – or, if we think, they do The achievement will be better in case of delivering rutine task The achievement will be worst in case of delivering complicated task On brainstormings: first alone, then in group – to avoid the inhibition!

13 SOCIAL FACILITATION/INHIBITION – practical benefits: Brainstormings – pl. in case of concilium (meetings) eg. first share the information, send it to the participants before common discussion – prepare individually for the meeting Commonlearning (first read the material individually, alone) Researches in teams During examination… - calm down: does not apply the inhibitor effect, because everebody is working on his own material (the don’t pay attention!) Questions..?

14 Which line is the longest? ABC

15 Conformism: Solomon Asch At least once 74% of the participants adapted, followed the clearly wrong answer But if they had even just 1 „partner”, it „helped” them significantly to stand by their view! Social psychology Other social impacts

16 h?v=VgDx5g9ql1g&feature=r elated

17 CONFORMISM – PRACTICAL practical benefits: Diagnostics / Concilums… (see: obedience to the prestige!) Shared development of exam’ themes – Often happens that a „stupidity” is marching along the group… (or „cribing” on written exam could result the same…) Follow of the religional or political theories – see: conscious thinking & Erickson’s developmental theory at developmental psychology Ostracism in any case – let’s talk about students or colleagues (See: „Don’t hurt” ethical principle…!, &. see. „group decision’s phenomenon!) Questions..?

18 Questions and answers… E-mail:

19 END of the 3rd lecture Thank you for your attention! Litterature: Atkinson & Hilgard.: Psychology p. 612-614., 634-641 Always the related content to the lecture’s theme!

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