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Revolutions (Cause & Effect & Major People/Events)

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1 Revolutions (Cause & Effect & Major People/Events)

2 English Civil War Glorious Revolution Causes Tyrannical kings didn’t listen to Parliament Ideas of John Locke, Montesquieu & Voltaire Major Events/People Charles I & James II (tyrants & Catholic sympathizers) William & Mary (new monarchs) Effects Constitutional Monarchy English Bill of Rights

3 American Revolution Causes War debts led to new taxes opposed/boycotted by colonists Parliament took power away from colonial assemblies Enlightenment ideas of John Locke justified protests & Declaration of Independence Major People/Events Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, John Adams Effects Popular Sovereignty, Limited Gov’t, Separation of Powers, Checks & Balances, Individual Liberties (Bill of Rights)

4 French Revolution Causes Unequal social hierarchy among the First (clergy), Second (nobles), and Third Estates (peasants and middle class) Third Estate paid most of the taxes; Second Estate paid none Financial Crisis (France was heavily in debt—wars and lavish spending) Estates-General voted to increase taxes People were starving Major Events/People Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette National Assembly formed by the Third Estate Tennis Court Oath promised a new constitution and limited gov’t Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (Locke’s ideas) The Bastille was stormed Effects Radicals took control of the National Convention Set up a democratic republic and executed the king Lost power Reign of Terror under Robespiere led to mass executions Chaos resulted England, Holland, Spain, Austria & Prussia declared war on France Napoleon Bonaparte led a coup d’etat and seized control as emperor

5 Latin American Revolutions Causes Colonization (by Spain, France, and Portugal) Unequal social hierarchy (Peninsulares, Creoles, Mestizos/Mulattoes, Indians/Slaves) Success of American and French Revolutions Major Events/People Toussaint L’Ouverture’s slave uprising in Haiti Simon Bolivar & Jose de San Martin in South America (creoles) Miguel Hidalgo in Mexico (clergy joined later by the creoles) Effects Democratic republics later taken over by caudillos (dictators)

6 Industrial Revolution Causes Agricultural Revolution (could support a large population) Large deposits of natural resources Banks and trade generated money Colonies provided cheap raw materials and a market to buy manufactured goods Major Events/People Began in England’s textile mills; Spread to Germany & USA Factory system mass produced goods Effects Steam Engines Better Transportation Rise of Steel Industry (coal + iron)—Henry Bessemer’s process Sky Scrapers, Longer Bridges, More Powerful Machines Electricity Better Communications (telegraphs & telephone) Medical Improvements (vaccines) More economic and military power Worse working conditions (low pay, long hours, women & children) Urbanization (tenements for workers)

7 Russian Revolution Causes Absolute monarchs resisted democratic reforms Secret police killed protesters (Bloody Sunday) Wanting democratic reforms & better working conditions World War I Starvation Major Events/People Vladimir Lenin Bolsheviks Abdication of Czar Nicholas II (later killed Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (to end WWI) Civil war between Bolsheviks and Mensheviks Effects Communist take-over (dictatorship) First socialist gov’t Stalin later turned it into a totalitarian gov’t Purges (police state) Five Year Plans (gov’t control of agriculture through collective farms and industry to build up the military) Atheism (persecuted Christians and Jews) More equality for women

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