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Thermal Energy and Heat. Temperature The measure of how HOT or COLD and object is.

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Presentation on theme: "Thermal Energy and Heat. Temperature The measure of how HOT or COLD and object is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thermal Energy and Heat

2 Temperature The measure of how HOT or COLD and object is.

3 Temperature Related to the AVERAGE KINETIC ENERGY of the particles of an object.

4 How temperature changes As an object heats up, its particles move faster. As a result the average kinetic energy increases and ……. The temperature increases.

5 Kinetic energy Temperature Sand in the cup demo

6 Thermal Energy The total energy of all of the atoms and molecules in a substance.

7 Thermal Energy Depends on: MASS TEMPERATURE

8 Demo: nuts and bolts in water

9 Which has more thermal energy… … A cup of coffee or a pot of coffee?

10 Which has more thermal energy… … A cup of coffee or a pot of coffee? THE POT OF COFFEE WHY???

11 Which has more thermal energy… … A cup of coffee or a pot of coffee? THE POT OF COFFEE WHY??? It has more MASS.

12 Which has more thermal energy….. A cup of hot tea or a cup of iced tea?

13 Which has more thermal energy….. A cup of hot tea or a cup of iced tea? The cup of HOT tea. WHY?

14 Which has more thermal energy….. A cup of hot tea or a cup of iced tea? The cup of HOT tea. WHY? It is at a higher TEMPERATURE.

15 HEAT The transfer of thermal energy from one object to another because of a temperature difference.

16 Thermal energy ALWAYS flows from WARMER to COLDER.


18 3 Ways heat is transferred Conduction Convection Radiation

19 CONDUCTION The transfer of thermal energy in materials that are touching. Occurs as particles collide

20 Conduction Involves no overall transfer of matter Takes place more easily in solids than in liquids or gases.

21 Conduction

22 Conductors Objects that conduct thermal energy well.

23 Insulators Poor conductors of heat Examples:

24 Insulators


26 Why do tile floors feel colder than wooden floors?

27 Why does your tongue stick to a pole on a freezing cold day?

28 Convection The transfer of thermal energy by the movement of FLUIDS with different temperatures.

29 Convection Current When you heat up a liquid or gas the molecules move faster, and spread out and become less dense. Since it is less dense it rises. After it rises, it is away from the heat source and cools. Once it is cool, it sinks.

30 Convection Current

31 Convection Currents

32 Convection currents

33 Home heating and convection currents

34 Radiation The transfer of thermal energy by electromagnetic waves traveling through space.

35 Radiation Does NOT involve the movement of particles. Is the only form of transfer of thermal energy that can occur in space.

36 Radiation Shiny objects reflect electromagnetic energy Dull, dark objects absorb electromagnetic energy Absorbed electromagnetic energy is converted into thermal energy.

37 Radiation


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