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Strategic Role of HRM Firm’s ability to survive and prosper is increasingly a function of the human resources they have Managers’ career success depends.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Role of HRM Firm’s ability to survive and prosper is increasingly a function of the human resources they have Managers’ career success depends."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Role of HRM Firm’s ability to survive and prosper is increasingly a function of the human resources they have Managers’ career success depends on how well they manager their firm’s resources Effective managers effectively manage human resources Control, coordination, and motivation issues

2 Managers Perform HR Functions All managers – even outside the HR department – must be able to: Recruit and select the right people Effectively socialize and train people in your unit Evaluate their performance Determine reward systems that will motivate them to perform at a high level Help subordinates further develop to advance in their careers

3 General Framework of HRM Environment External Internal Environment External Internal Organization Strategy Competitive Advantage Competitive Advantage Human Resource Management Activities Planning, Job Analysis, Recruiting, Selecting, Socializing and Training, Job Design, Performance Appraisal, Compensation, Development Human Resource Management Activities Planning, Job Analysis, Recruiting, Selecting, Socializing and Training, Job Design, Performance Appraisal, Compensation, Development

4 HRM Activities Two main goals of HRM Getting the right people –Planning, Job analysis, Recruiting, and Selecting Maximizing their performance and potential –Socialization and training, Job design, Performance appraisal, Compensation, and Development Failure of either goal can influence the success or failure of the other

5 Key Aspects of Getting the Right People Job Analysis Planning Forecasting demand   Estimating supply Determining fulfillment Planning Forecasting demand   Estimating supply Determining fulfillment Recruiting Selecting

6 Getting the Right People: Planning Planning Forecasting demand Assessing supply Formulating fulfillment plans

7 Getting the Right People: Job Analysis Job Analysis Scope and depth of jobs Requisite skills, abilities, and knowledge that people need to perform their jobs successfully Job description Job specification

8 Getting the Right People: Recruiting Recruiting Job posting Advertisements Employment agencies Employee referrals School placement centers Internet recruiting

9 Getting the Right People: Selection Written tests Background and reference checks Physical examinations Interviews Work sampling Work simulation Assessment centers Selection Techniques

10 Maximizing Performance: Socialization and Training Socialization and Training Orientation On-the-Job Training Off-the-Job Training Technical, Interpersonal, and Conceptual Training Technical, Interpersonal, and Conceptual Training

11 Maximizing Performance: Job Design Job design: structuring or restructuring of key components of a job, including the job’s responsibilities Job sharing Reengineering

12 Maximizing Performance: Performance Appraisals Performance appraisal Graphic rating scales Behaviorally anchored rating scales 360-degree feedback Effective performance feedback Critical incidents

13 Maximizing Performance: Compensation Compensation Pay –Pay structure - wage or salary –At-risk system or variable –Incentive plans Benefits –Cafeteria-style plans Rewards and motivation

14 Maximizing Performance: Employee Development Employee Development Career paths –Cross-functional job rotation Promotion Termination Layoffs

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