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Australia-Indonesia Facility for Disaster Reduction Anita Dwyer.

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Presentation on theme: "Australia-Indonesia Facility for Disaster Reduction Anita Dwyer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Australia-Indonesia Facility for Disaster Reduction Anita Dwyer

2 Background A 5-year initiative between the Governments of Australia and Indonesia (2009 office opening) Focuses on risk science, DM training, DRR research and engagement at national, local and regional levels

3 Kemitraan - Partnership AIFDR is co-directed by an Australian official and Indonesian official – Primary partnership is with BNPB – Key partners include: BMKG, LIPI, Badan Geologi, Muhammadiyah, NU, Oxfam ASEAN WFP, OCHA and UNDP

4 HFA = DM Law = DM Plan AIFDR’s work plan is linked to the Indonesian Disaster Management Plan, managed by BNPB Addresses key aspects of the Hyogo Framework for Action 4 teams = Risk & Vulnerability, Research & Innovation, Training & Outreach, Partnerships

5 Case Study #1: Linking science to change “Rumah Aman Gempa” Earthquake safe house Padang Earthquake, 2009 International engineering team surveyed houses that collapsed and those that didn’t Results directly informed public awareness campaign (tv, radio, banners, instructional movie) Recent evaluation: Found target audience (homeowners) correct, need better timing with subsidies

6 “It’s not the earthquake, it’s the house”

7 Case Study #2: Preparing for response “Satuan Reaksi Cepat” Rapid Response Force Global leader in civilian-military response Training – Indonesian, OCHA Support – equipment, training/logistics centres BNPB, BPBD, PMI, local communities consulted

8 Case Study #3: Linking to communities “Disaster Advocacy” Nahdlatul Ulama NU have more than 40 million members and been active in DRR for many years East Java (32 million) districts; not many districts perda bencana. We will focus on 8. NU will be like the extending hand between local government & communities Disaster law, disaster plans, budget and training


10 Reporting & M&E = the hard stuff Reporting – against the Indonesian DM Plan with BNPB. AIFDR is ‘on budget, off treasury’. – DRR organisations need to improve reporting. M&E – New M&E system based on quantitative data (# risk assessments, training) & qualitative (case studies, MSC/GAS). Mid- term evaluation soon

11 Challenges Sexy response vs unsexy mitigation/DRR Supporting local governments who have large responsibilities and small budgets Measuring effectiveness – AIFDR and all Developing good partnerships and programs – Why not cost safe schools? – Why not plan for accessible data? – Why not include women in decision-making?

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