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Unit 3 Language in use Unit 3 Language in use 冠 词冠 词 冠词是放在所说明的名词之前的词, 说 明名词所指的人或事物, 是虚词。 冠词分为定冠词和不定冠词两种, 不定 冠词是 a 和 an, 定冠词是 the 。

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 3 Language in use Unit 3 Language in use 冠 词冠 词 冠词是放在所说明的名词之前的词, 说 明名词所指的人或事物, 是虚词。 冠词分为定冠词和不定冠词两种, 不定 冠词是 a 和 an, 定冠词是 the 。"— Presentation transcript:


2 Unit 3 Language in use Unit 3 Language in use

3 冠 词冠 词 冠词是放在所说明的名词之前的词, 说 明名词所指的人或事物, 是虚词。 冠词分为定冠词和不定冠词两种, 不定 冠词是 a 和 an, 定冠词是 the 。

4 1. 不定冠词的用法:不定冠词仅用在单数可 数名词前,表示 “ 一 ” 的意义。 1) a 和 an 的区别:用 a 还是 an ,要以它们后 的那个名词或形容词的读音的第一个音素为 主, 也就是元音开头用 an ,辅音开头用 a , 而不是看是否是元音字母。 2) 用在名词前,强调的是名词的类别,而不 强调数, one 是强调个数。 A plane is a machine that can fly.

5 3) 表示 “ 某一 ” A Mr Wang is waiting for you. 一个姓王的先生在等你。 4) 表示某类人或事物当中的任何一个, 相当于 one 。 This is an apple.

6 5) 表示 “ 每一个 ” ,用在表示时间,速度 价格的名词前。 We have three meals a day. 6) 表示 “ 一个 …… 式的人 ” He is a Lei Feng of our class.

7 2. 定冠词的用法 : 表示人或某些特定的人 或事物。可与名词的单,复数连用。 1) 表示特定的人或事物 2) 指双方都知道的人或事物 3) 指世界上独一无二的东西 the sun, the moon, the earth 4) 重复提起上文提到的事或人 5) 放在形容词最高级和序数词前

8 6) 方位,乐器前加 the 7) 江,河,湖,山脉,杂志,报纸等名 称前 8) 在姓氏的复数形式前,表示全家人或 夫妇两人 9) 在某些专有名词前 10) 和某些形容词连用表示一类人或事物 11) 在固定词组中

9 3. 零冠词的用法 1) 复数可数名词前,表示人或物的类 别,或泛指不定量的人或物 Horses are useful animals. 2) 球类运动、棋类游戏前 play football play chess 3) 名词前有 this, that, these, those 或形容 词性物主代词前 this book his bike

10 4) 三餐前 have breakfast have lunch 5) 与 by 连用的交通工具名称前 by bus by train 6) 建筑物、路名、街名、桥名、广场名、 公园名、学校名 Water Park 7) 某些固定搭配的词组 in public in hospital go to bed

11 A. Write a, an, or the where necessary.

12 Mina lives in a big city. She is ___ eighteen-year-old girl. She’s got ___ brother and __ sister. Mina is ___ oldest child in ___ family. ____ City where she lives is very big. ____ population is more than 10 million. Mina doesn’t have ___ education. She has __ job working in __ factory. She hopes that one day she will have __ chance to go to __ school. an a a the The an aa a /

13 B. Write the words with a, an, no article( / ) or in plural form. crime experience hospital job population rubbish traffic 1. The (1) __________ of many countries is increasing quickly. Because of this, it is difficult to provide enough (2) ______ which people need. population jobs

14 hospitals crime rubbish 2. People who are ill need places in (1) ________. Policemen are also needed to fight (2) _______. The cities and countryside need to be clean and free from (3) _______.

15 3. And because of too many cars, trucks and buses, there are a great number of (1) ______ problems. This is not right. Living in a city should be an (2) __________ which people enjoy, no one which is bad for them. traffic experience

16 C. Complete the conversation with a, an, the or no article( / ). 1. A: we’re going on/holiday/at/end of /school term We’re going on the holiday at the end of the school term.

17 2. B: are you going skiing in/mountains again? Are you going skiing in the mountains again? 3. A: all/people who have been there say it’s one of/most beautiful places in/ world All the people who have been there say it’s one of the most beautiful places in the world.

18 4. A: no, we’re going to/ Sicily No, we’re going to Sicily. 5. B: is that/capital city of / Italy? Is that the capital city of Italy? 6. A: no, it’s/ island/off/west coast of/Italy No, it’s the island off the west coast of Italy.

19 Work in pairs. Guess the population of each country and match the two lists. Australia the Bahamas China United Stats of America 1,300,000,000 297,000,000 20,137,000 303,000


21 1. Which city had the largest population in 2000? Tokyo had the largest population in 2000. 2. Which city’s population will increase fastest from 2000 to 2015? Mumbai’s population will increase fastest from 2000 to 2015.

22 3. Which will be the larger, the increase in New York’s population or in Mexico City’s? The increase in Mexico’s population will be larger. 4. Which will be smaller, the increase New York’s population or Mumbai’s? The increase in New York’s population will be smaller.

23 Talk about the population of the city you live in now, 10 years ago and 10 years from now. Free talk

24 Complete the diagram showing population problems. air city countryside crime hospital increase illness water

25 People move from _______________ People arrive in _______________ Problem: Population _________ Problems for the enviroment Examples: pollution of ___________________ ________________ ____________________ Health problems Examples: _________________ the countryside the city increases water; the air… too many illnesses; not enough hospitals

26 Problem for police Examples: ________________ crime

27 Listen and choose the best summary. 1. You don’t have to own a car in order to drive one. 2. Members of a car club don’t often use public transport. 3. Car clubs are still to be introduced to the USA.

28 Listen again and answer the questions. 1.Which is the main advantage of using a car for transport? You may use a car to get around in cities.

29 2. How can you save money by joining a car club? 3. In which way do members of car clubs improve their health, and the health of the planet? You needn’t to pay the repair costs and vehicle taxes by joining a car club. By joining a car club, members use the car less. They take public transporting instead, or walk or cycle. This is healthier

30 World population and water in the year 2050 58% 24% 18%

31 1. 58% people will have enough water 2. 24% people will have some water 3. 18% people will not have enough water


33 根据 Around the world 中 “Population and water” 的内容判断下列句子正 (T) 误 (F) 。 ( )1. Overpopulation and water shortage are the main problems in many countries. ( )2. Because of overpopulation, it’s more difficult for people to make food. ( )3. There used to be more available water than now. T F T

34 ( )4. 3% of people will have no water in the year 2050. ( )5. In fact, overpopulation and pollution are problems that cause the shortage of good clean water. F T

35 Exercises 请用正确的冠词 (a, an, the) 填空。如不 用冠词则填 “×” 。 1. You dropped __“u” and __“s” in this word. 2. There is _ pen on the desk. ___ pen is mine. 3. I like playing __ basketball, but I don’t like playing ___ piano. an a The a × the

36 4. He drove the car at the speed of eighty kilometers __ hour. 5. I think English is _ useful subject. Do you think so? 6. He had __apple and __ glass of milk for __ supper. an a a ×

37 7. —Who is ___ boy? —He is my __ best friend. 8. Does Bob come from ___USA or __ Australia? 9. Linda works in _ hospital. Her sister works in ___ same hospital. 10. How do you go to work, by __bus or on __foot? × × the × a ×

38 Homework Module task: Making a graph.


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