Faculty of Medicine. Research and education in medicine and health care  13 departments, 2 science centres  About 1 200 employees, 45 % are lecturers/scientists.

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Presentation on theme: "Faculty of Medicine. Research and education in medicine and health care  13 departments, 2 science centres  About 1 200 employees, 45 % are lecturers/scientists."— Presentation transcript:

1 Faculty of Medicine

2 Research and education in medicine and health care  13 departments, 2 science centres  About 1 200 employees, 45 % are lecturers/scientists  13 academic programmes  3 400 undergraduate students  About 650 postgraduate students, of which 144 have doctoral positions  About 80 postgraduate disciplines Faculty of Medicine | http://www.medfak.umu.se/english/

3 Milestones  Parliamentary bills 1946 och 1947 suggesting higher education and state hospital in Umeå  Science Library 1951  Dental clinic 1956, Dentist programme 1957  Medicine programme 1957  Umeå University inaugurated 1965  Health care education integrated from 1997, completely 2002  Faculties of Medicine and Odontology merged, July 1999  Name change to Faculty of Medicine, April 2004  Clinical parts of the Medical programme also in Sunderbyn, Sundsvall and Östersund – organizing started 2008 Faculty of Medicine | http://www.medfak.umu.se/english/

4 Departments  Clinical Microbiology  Clinical Sciences  Community Medicine and Rehabilitation  Integrative Medical Biology  Medical Biosciences  Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics  Molecular Biology  Nursing  Odontology  Pharmacology and Clinical Neuroscience  Public Health and Clinical Medicine  Radiation Sciences  Surgical and Perioperative Sciences Faculty of Medicine | http://www.medfak.umu.se/english/

5 Science Centres  UFBI — Umeå centre for Functional Brain Imaging  Started in 2001  Developing brain-imaging research with fMRI and other methods  More information on www.umeabrainimaging.com  UCMM — Umeå Centre for Molecular Medicine  Started in 1999. Since 2007 a part of Faculty of Medicine.  Integrates molecular biology and clinical sciences  10 independent research groups (2012)  UCMR — Umeå Centre for Microbial Research  Includes the Swedish node in The Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine, MIMS.  Started in 2007. More information on www.ucmr.se Faculty of Medicine | http://www.medfak.umu.se/english/

6 Education  Undergraduate education  More than 50% of faculty budget: 320 million SEK (2009)  13 academic programmes, most of them preparing for occupations in the health care sector  All programmes are research connected  Education are given by the departments; a programme can have teachers from one or more departments  Continuation courses  Magister and Master degree programmes  Specialist courses for nurses  Psychotherapy Faculty of Medicine | http://www.medfak.umu.se/english/

7 Programmes, Medicine  Biomedicine Programme, 180/300 ECTS cr.  Total students: 105 HST T  Speech Therapist Programme, 240 ECTS cr.  Total students: 48 HST  Admission January odd numbered years  Cooperation with two other faculties  Sports Science Programme, with a major in sports medicine, 180/240 ECTS cr.  Cooperation with two other faculties  Medicine Programme, 330 ECTS cr.  Extended to 98 students per term spring 2009  Total students: 809 HST HST = full time student cr. = credits; 60 credits = 1 year Faculty of Medicine | http://www.medfak.umu.se/english/

8 Programmes, Odontology  Dental Hygienist Programme, 120/180 ECTS cr.  Total students: 72 HST  1 admission/year (fall)  Dental Technician Programme, 180 ECTS cr.  Total students: 61 HST  1 admission/year (fall)  Dentist Programme, 300 ECTS cr.  Total students: 199 HST  1 admission/year (spring)  Extended from 45 to 60 students per admission spring 2009 Faculty of Medicine | http://www.medfak.umu.se/english/

9 Programmes, health care (1)  Nursing Programme, 180 ECTS cr.  Total students: 604 HST  In Umeå, Skellefteå and Örnsköldsvik  Every third year in Lycksele, next start planned to autumn 2011  Psychiatric Care Programme, 120 ECTS cr.  First start autumn 2008  30 positions, distance education, meeting point Skellefteå  Radiology Nursing Programme, 180 ECTS cr.  Total students: 18 HST  1 admission/year (fall) Faculty of Medicine | http://www.medfak.umu.se/english/

10 Programmes, health care (2)  Biomedical Analysis Programme, 180 ECTS cr.  Options: Laboratory Medicine or Clinical Physiology  Total students: 88 HST  Occupational Therapist Programme, 180 ECTS cr.  Total students: 148 HST  Physiotherapist Programme, 180 ECTS cr.  Total students: 182 HST Faculty of Medicine | http://www.medfak.umu.se/english/

11 Continuation courses Specialist education for nurses:  Midwifery Programme, 90 ECTS cr – 20 HST  Specialist courses, 60-75 cr. Master degree programmes, main discplines:  Occupational Therapy  Public Health  Nursing  Physiotherapy  Biomedicine  Medical Biochemistry (Biomedicine)  Medical Microbiology (Biomedicine) Faculty of Medicine | http://www.medfak.umu.se/english/ Magister degree (240 ECTS) programmes:  Dental Technology  Sports Medicine

12 Research  36 % of total faculty budget: 228 million SEK (budget 2012)  Substantial and growing external funding: 329 million SEK (2010)  Most of the research in the departments  Two Science Centres, mainly research oriented:  Umeå Centre for Molecular Medicine (UCMM)  Umeå Centre for Microbial Research (UCMR) Faculty of Medicine | http://www.medfak.umu.se/english/

13 Postgraduate education  The bridge from undergraduate education to research  About 80 disciplines, among them 19 in odontology  For Doctorate (PhD) or Licentiate degree  About 650 registered postgraduate students, 57 % women (2019)  90 admitted 2007, of which 49 women  54 % women among admitted 2007; average 56 % 2001-2006  Examination 2011: 76 PhD Faculty of Medicine | http://www.medfak.umu.se/english/

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