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Enterprise Library Building an Application Block Ed Jezierski Solution Architect Scott Densmore Software Engineer Ron Jacobs Product Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Enterprise Library Building an Application Block Ed Jezierski Solution Architect Scott Densmore Software Engineer Ron Jacobs Product Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enterprise Library Building an Application Block Ed Jezierski Solution Architect Scott Densmore Software Engineer Ron Jacobs Product Manager

2 Agenda Architectural Guidance from patterns & practices Application Blocks Enterprise Library Vision Enterprise Library Application Blocks ConfigurationCryptography Data Access SecurityDemonstrationQuestions Logging & Instrumentation Exception Handling Caching

3 patterns & practices Architecture Guidance for the Enterprise Reference Architectures Application Blocks Guides Guidance for broad horizontal topics such as security, performance, deployment and operations Patterns DADI A D I DADI A D I Atomic solutions to recurring problems Sub-system-level guidance for common services System-level guidance for common customer scenarios DADI A D I Available online : Books available: Proven Based on field experience Authoritative Offer the best advice available Accurate Technically validated and tested Actionable Provide the steps to success Relevant Address real-world problems based on customer scenarios

4 Sound familiar? Having similar code pasted throughout your applications Writing components to enable and encourage reuse…then rewriting them to meet specific application needs Having components that should work well together, but… Each component mandating inconsistent requirements on the consuming application Longing for a way to future-proof your software library

5 Enterprise Library Philosophy Consistency Apply consistent design patterns and implementation approaches Extensibility Include extensibility points allowing developers to customize the behavior of the blocks by plugging in their own code or customize by directly modifying source code Ease of Use Leverage a graphical configuration tool Provide a simpler installation procedure Include clear and complete documentation and samples Integration Application blocks should be designed to work well together and tested to make sure that they do. But it should also be possible to use the application blocks individually

6 Security Crypto Configuration DataAccessLogging CachingExceptions Enterprise Library v1 Legend Dependency Plug-in ConfigTool

7 p&p Enterprise Library Enterprise Library Vision Partner blocks Customer blocks Community blocks p&p blocks Partner X library Customer Y library Customer Z library Block Specification

8 Elements of an Application Block Core functionality Pluggable providers FactoriesConfiguration Unit tests Quick Starts Guidance and reference documentation

9 Core Functionality Central to its operation May be influenced via configuration settings, but basic behavior cannot be changed without source code modifications Often internal, but when exposed to an application, it is typically provided via a single class, interface, or facade It’s OK to have core functionality – not everything must be replaceable or even configurable!

10 Core Functionality Examples Caching Cache implementation (hashtable) – not exposed Scavenging algorithm –not exposed Cache manager – exposed as a class Exception Handling Exception policy – exposed as a class with single public static method (HandleException) Logging and Instrumentation Log filters – not exposed

11 Pluggable Providers Associated with an application block capability, defined by a “provider type.” Caching: Backingstore Data Access: Database Exception Handling: Exception Handler A provider is a specific implementation of a provider type. Each application block includes at least one provider implementation of each provider type Caching: Database and isolated storage backingstores Data Access: SQL, DB2 and Oracle databases

12 Pluggable Providers Decouples the application block's core functionality from specific implementation, achieving the following goals VariabilityExtensibilityEncapsulation Portability across environments Minimized coupling between application blocks Specified in configuration data with type information and a name

13 Provider Implementations and Configuration Providers typically allow for configuration of each specific implementation Example: the replace exception handler has a configuration setting for the new exception type The abstract base class ConfigurationProvider defines the contract for initializing a provider with configuration information Decision point: create a new provider implementation, or configuration property of an existing implementation

14 Provider Factories Uses Plugin [Fowler] pattern to create providers Neither applications nor application blocks require information about specific implementation of provider Specific implementation to be constructed determined by configuration settings Abstract base class (ProviderFactory) in Configuration Application Block contains code to instantiate configurable providers

15 Provider Factories Static method to create provider objects Allow for creation of default provider (as specified by configuration settings) Allow for creation of named provider ' Create the default database instance Dim db As Database = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase() ' Use a named instance to map to configuration Dim salesDb As Database = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase("Sales") Allows you to reconfigure and execute the application without recompiling

16 Configuration Allows you to easily adapt the application block to meet the needs of different enterprise scenarios Creation and editing of configuration settings is done with the Configuration Console Configuration settings may be defined for an application block’s core functionality and for each provider type

17 Configuration Using configuration settings to adapt an application block to a particular situation has two advantages: Characteristics of an application block can be configured by different people at different times in the application life cycle The application block can be incrementally adapted for increasingly complex situations

18 Configuration Runtime configuration Object graphs that represent configuration settings Configuration Application Block reads settings from storage and returns objects to application block XML File Storage Provider and Transformer require that objects be serializable Design-time configuration Allow settings to be displayed, changed and validated using the Configuration Console

19 Design-time and Runtime Relationship

20 Design-Time Configuration Based upon System.ComponentModel Configuration node is of type Component The Configuration Console provides the Site Services are available through Config Block Configuration node classes for each node in the configuration tree Each node determines the properties to be displayed when node is selected Validation rules can be included for any property

21 Configuration Nodes Determine how the Configuration Console displays the hierarchy of configuration nodes Determine which/how properties are exposed in the graphical interface Enable the Configuration Console to validate that the values a user assigns to an application block's properties are appropriate Can contain references that point from one application block to another (such as an authorization database that points to a database instance) Contain references to the runtime data classes

22 Configuration Design Manager Implements IConfigurationDesignManager interface Allows an application block to be added to an application’s configuration hierarchy Creates menu items and commands that are invoked as user interacts with the Configuration Console to configure the application block Responsible for loading and saving configuration data Assembly must be located in same directory as Configuration Console executable

23 Configuration Application Block Support The Configuration Application Block provides much of the plumbing for runtime and design- time configuration

24 Configuration Console Validation Error Properties Configuration Nodes

25 Unit Tests Verify functionality of application block Verify that modifications to application block have not cause regression Enterprise Library developed using Test Driven Development (TDD)

26 Quick Starts Demonstrate common scenarios of application block usage Display output indicating what happened “under the covers” Detect common errors (e.g. user didn’t perform required setup) and display useful information Goal: Open solution, hit F5, and see it run

27 Documentation Integrated into Visual Studio Guidance Introduction and goals Developing applications using the application block Design of the application block Extending the application block Deploying the application block Quick start walkthroughs Reference API Public and protected Summaries, parameters and return values

28 A Simple Example: Hello World Application Block Client application can use the application block to return a greeting for a specified user The implementation of how the greetings are returned is encapsulated in a greeting provider An application can use multiple greeting providers, each identified by a unique name The Configuration Console is used to select the default greeting provider, used when the client does not specify a name for the provider Each greeting provider has a default message, set by the Configuration Console

29 Hello World Application Block Core Functionality Minimal to keep things simple Includes the interface definition IGreetingProvider, which all greeting providers must implement Includes the class HelloWorldConfigurationView Derives from ConfigurationView Exposes the runtime configuration settings required by the application block’s providers Passed to the Initialize method of each provider when it is created

30 Hello World Application Block Configuration View Initialized with ConfigurationContext public virtual GreetingProviderData GetGreetingProviderData(string name) { // HelloWorldSettings is our runtime configuration object HelloWorldSettings settings = GetHelloWorldSettings(); return settings.GreetingProviders[name]; } Returns configuration data required by application block public virtual string GetDefaultGreetingProviderDataName() { HelloWorldSettings settings = GetHelloWorldSettings(); return settings.DefaultGreeter; }

31 Hello World Application Block Providers Text greeting provider Returns plain text greeting for specified user Greeting for a user is determined by configuration settings Includes configuration design-time support to allow greetings to be entered and validated Custom greeting provider Allows user to select the FQTN of a class that implements IGreetingProvider Configuration is provided via a property bag of name-value pairs (no design-time support)

32 Hello World Application Block Runtime Configuration Requirements Block allows multiple greeting providers Each greeting provider has a name Text greeting provider can have multiple greetings A greeting is name and a message Configuration Information is represented as serializable classes

33 Runtime Configuration Data <helloWorldConfiguration> <xmlSerializerSection <xmlSerializerSection type="Microsoft.Practices.Samples.HelloWorld.Configuration.HelloWorldSettings, type="Microsoft.Practices.Samples.HelloWorld.Configuration.HelloWorldSettings, Microsoft.Practices.Samples.HelloWorld, Version=, Culture=neutral, Microsoft.Practices.Samples.HelloWorld, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"> PublicKeyToken=null"> <helloWorldSettings xmlns:xsd="" <helloWorldSettings xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" defaultGreeter="Casual Greetings" xmlns:xsi="" defaultGreeter="Casual Greetings" xmlns=""> xmlns=""> </helloWorldConfiguration>

34 Runtime Configuration Classes HelloWorldSettings Includes configuration section name, collection of providers, and default greeting provider GreetingProviderData (base class), TextGreetingProviderData, CustomGreetingProviderData Common settings and settings specific to providers TextGreetingDataCollection Collection of text greetings TextGreetingData Name and message

35 Configuration Application Block Runtime Support

36 Runtime Configuration Class Serialization [XmlRoot("helloWorldSettings", Namespace=HelloWorldSettings.ConfigurationNamespace)] public class HelloWorldSettings { … } [XmlArray("greetings", Namespace=HelloWorldSettings.ConfigurationNamespace)] [XmlArrayItem(Type=typeof(TextGreetingData), Namespace=HelloWorldSettings.ConfigurationNamespace)] public TextGreetingDataCollection Greetings { get { return this.greetings; } } Root object serialization Collection serialization

37 Runtime Configuration Class Serialization [XmlType("greetingProvider", Namespace=HelloWorldSettings.ConfigurationNamespace)] [XmlInclude(typeof(CustomGreetingProviderData))] [XmlInclude(typeof(TextGreetingProviderData))] public abstract class GreetingProviderData : ProviderData { … } XML include types for base classes

38 Hello World Design-Time Configuration Required to allow the application block to be configured with the Configuration Console

39 Hello World Client Create provider // Create default greeting provider (determined by configuration) IGreetingProvider defaultProvider = GreetingFactory.GetGreetingProvider(); // Create named instance IGreetingProvider formalProvider = GreetingFactory.GetGreetingProvider("Formal Greetings"); Call provider methods string greeting = defaultProvider.SayGreeting(“John”);

40 Additional Resources Improving Web Application Security us/dnnetsec/html/ThreatCounter.asp Improving.NET Application Performance and Scalability us/dnpag/html/scalenet.asp us/dnpag/html/scalenet.asp Application Architecture for.NET us/dnbda/html/distapp.asp us/dnbda/html/distapp.asp Enterprise Library Community Slides Tech Tips Podcasts

41 Announcing: Enterprise Library 1.0 Download it Today!

42 Patterns and Practices Live! Slides, Hands On Labs, On Demand Webcasts Upcoming Live Webcasts 3/28 Building your own block 3/31 Enterprise Library Applied 4/12 Global Bank Baseline Architecture 4/14 Updater Application Block v2


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