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Punctuated Equilibrium Verses Gradualism. What Drives Evolution.

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Presentation on theme: "Punctuated Equilibrium Verses Gradualism. What Drives Evolution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Punctuated Equilibrium Verses Gradualism

2 What Drives Evolution

3 1-Isolation Temporal Geographic Behavioral

4 2-Artificial Selection Did not drive evolution!!!

5 2-Natural Selection


7 3-Variation & Heritability

8 Sources of Genetic Variation Mutations – 300 mutations in our DNA that are different from our parents mutations Only matter if they can be passed to next generation – skin cancer Sexual Reproduction – remixes the genes your parents provide into new combinations of paired alleles Lateral Gene Transfer – only in single celled creatures but significant to all evolution and current resistance to drugs. Single Gene (allele selection) Vs Polygenic Traits (phenotype selection) & how natural selection works on them. Type of Selection for Polygenic Traits: Directional / Stabilizing / Disruptive

9 Founder Population

10 Bottleneck

11 Genetic Drift

12 Evolution Vs Genetic Equilibrium Genetic Equilibrium = allele frequency in a gene pool does not change – sexual reproduction does not change change frequency. Hardy Weinberg principle = predicts allele frequency for a population and if it is wrong than it is likely that evolution is taking place. Disturbances to Equilibrium: 1.Nonrandom mating – mate selection 2.Small Population Size 3.Immigration & Emigration 4.Mutations 5.Natural Selection 6.Look at Darwin’s Finches pages 496-497

13 Molecular Evolution Molecular Clocks Uses rates of neutral mutations in stretches of DNA to estimate the time that two species have evolved independently of each other – page 499 Gene Duplication Gene Families such as Hox genes New copy genes evolve without changing the original Hox Genes: Mutations to this gene is significant to the body plan Dark Matter: Switches

14 Microevolution & Macroevolution

15 Mass Extinctions 5 recorded mass extinctions 1.Ordovician (440mya) - 50% of animal families 2.Devonian (360mya) - 30% of animal families 3.Permian (250mya) - 50% of animal families, including 95% of marine species 4.Triassic (210mya) - 35% of animal families 5.Cretaceous (65mya) - 60% of animal species Recovery Time 1.Ordovician - 25 million years 2.Devonian - 30 million years 3.Permian/Triassic - 100 million years 4.Cretaceous - 20 million years Many other minor extinctions Background Extinction

16 Mass Extinctions Current - Holocene Extinction

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