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Darwin Evolution Population Evolution Selection.

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3 Darwin

4 Evolution

5 Population Evolution

6 Selection

7 Speciation

8 Patterns of Evolution

9 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500

10 What did Darwin call Natural Selection

11 Survival of the Fittest

12 The process where the breeder selects the best trait is called?

13 Artificial Selection

14 What is the name of the book that Darwin wrote?

15 The Origin of Species

16 Hutton & Lylle both said what about the formation of the earth?

17 The earth is millions of years old/the earth was formed by geologic forces

18 The 2 guys that came up with a mathematical equation that can predict allele frequencies?

19 Hardy & Weinberg

20 All of the genes in a population is called?

21 Gene Pool

22 Name 2 sources of genetic variation.

23 Mutations Crossover (Gene Shuffling)

24 Any organ that is reduced in function that may have been used by an ancestor?

25 Vestigial Organ

26 Body structures that are similar in structure and function?

27 Homologous Structures

28 Body structures that are similar in function but different in structure are called?

29 Analogous Structures

30 A trait controlled by more than one gene is called?

31 Polygenic Trait

32 A random change in allele frequencies over the generations is called?

33 Genetic Drift

34 When allele frequencies remain constant it is called?

35 Genetic Equalibrium

36 What occurs when allele frequencies in a group of migrating individuals are by chance not the same as that of the original population?

37 Founder Effect

38 What effect can happen when a population’s numbers undergoes a drastic decrease?

39 Bottleneck Effect

40 Where individuals with favorable traits survive & pass on those traits to their offspring?

41 Natural Selection

42 When natural selection favors one extreme phenotype or the other.

43 Directional selection

44 When natural selection doesn’t favor either extreme phenotype.

45 Stabilizing selection

46 When natural selection favors both extreme phenotypes.

47 Disruptive selection

48 What are the 5 conditions to maintain genetic equilibrium

49 1.Must be random mating 2.Must have a large pop. Size 3.No movement of genes 4.No mutations 5.No Natural selection

50 The evolution of a new species

51 Speciation

52 When 2 populations become separated by a geographic barrier (river, mtn. etc)

53 Geographic Isolation

54 When a species doesn’t recognize another species as a mate because it didn’t do the correct mating dance or call or make the correct display

55 Behavioral Isolation

56 When 2 species mate at different times

57 Temporal Isolation


59 When members of a population can no longer interbreed with the rest of the population is called?

60 Reproductive Isolation

61 Large scale evolution that takes place over a long period of time

62 Macroevolution

63 What percentage of species that lived on earth have become extinct?

64 99%

65 Where two or more species originate from one species called a common ancestor.

66 Divergent Evolution

67 Where 2 different species evolve in response to one another.

68 Coevolution

69 What is it called when 2 different species inhabit similar environments and evolve similar traits.

70 Convergent Evolution

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