This is a story of Fear, Desperation, Deception, Hope and Triumph Blount & Howe Productions proudly presents The First Print Shop Commercial.

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Presentation on theme: "This is a story of Fear, Desperation, Deception, Hope and Triumph Blount & Howe Productions proudly presents The First Print Shop Commercial."— Presentation transcript:

1 This is a story of Fear, Desperation, Deception, Hope and Triumph Blount & Howe Productions proudly presents The First Print Shop Commercial

2 The scene is like many others! All have gathered at the lair of a costly beast! Offering their usual sacrifices for its favor

3 Great and Powerful One accept this offering and work for me

4 The Great and Powerful One has heard your call and will give you only 16 copies before I jam! So Choose your copies wisely!!!

5 Whatever will my students do without these papers??

6 We are here for your printing needs!!! If you Show allegiance to our Expensive toner and ink demands We will do all the printing for you!! (if we’re in the mood)

7 HA! HA! HA! I am the King of Copiers I have produced more copies than any of my 90 brothers and sisters!! Combined we average 12 million copies per year Your kind can never take our place even with your 800 desktop machines in this district. You can never defeat us!! Mawhahaha!!! You can never defeat us!! Mawhahaha!!!

8 Run!! Don’t look back!! Just Run!! Our only hope is to out last the copiers! We must stay hidden in the classrooms where only a few people print to us. This will keep our high maintenance and printing costs going for awhile!!! We must have the last laugh!!!

9 Don’t leave us!!!!

10 Nothing can stand in our way to Total District domination!! Mawhahaha!!!!

11 Look at this Flyer!! It’s for the MCSD Print Shop It says that they can copy almost anything and most orders are back to the site within 48 hours!

12 That would mean I would be able to spend more time in my classroom teaching or enjoying my lunch and breaks RATHER than waiting in line and fighting paper jams!! OH LOOK!! The Flyer also says the new guy running the shop is tall, dark, and ruggedly handsome

13 Just imagine….. Teacher’s Assistants in our classes, helping with the students….. NOT here in line making copies!!!

14 NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

15 Joy and Happiness are ours once again!!

16 Print Shop prints, folds, cuts, staples, and makes booklets. Prints on colored papers, and colored card stocks. Also available are Full picture quality Color 8 1/2 x 11 and 11 x 17 prints

17 Print Shop has exceeded all expectations and will continue to strive to bring the print to the masses! So don’t wait! Send your orders now and have that wonderful READY TO TEACH MY STUDENTS FEELING!!!

18 ♥♥♥ Thank you Print Shop!!! ♥♥♥

19 All facts and figures are subject to change, correction, or approval by MCSD without notice No printers or copiers were harmed in the making of this commercial (not for a lack of want) Special Thanks to Reyes Teachers, Staff and the Students This has been a Blount & Howe Production

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