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Abcdefghijkl LOCAL COMPACTS Joanne Crone Scottish Executive.

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Presentation on theme: "Abcdefghijkl LOCAL COMPACTS Joanne Crone Scottish Executive."— Presentation transcript:

1 abcdefghijkl LOCAL COMPACTS Joanne Crone Scottish Executive

2 abcdefghijkl Scottish Executive Commitment  A Partnership for a Better Scotland – political commitment  Support local compacts and health relationships,

3 What is the Edinburgh Local Compact?  “In Equal Respect: A Shared Vision”  Partnership Agreement between the city’s public agencies and voluntary and community sectors  Not legally binding, but an environment of mutual advantage

4 Why engage in the Edinburgh compact?  Transparency and accountability  To progress a joint agenda  Joint policy and service development  Co-ordination  Equity

5 How did the Edinburgh compact develop?  Joint secretariat  Representation  Mutual recognition  Trust and group dynamics  Clear aim and fixed tasks

6 What was the outcome?  Joint Launch of Edinburgh Compact  Delivery of actions identified Better policy & decision making Better policy & decision making Better planning and delivery of services Better planning and delivery of services Addressing funding and resource issues Addressing funding and resource issues Improved voluntary & community engagement Improved voluntary & community engagement Change at local & city-wide level Change at local & city-wide level Implementation of the Compact Implementation of the Compact

7 Local Community Gardens Project 2008 VOLUNTEERING STRATEGY: Project recruits volunteers, develops partnerships with Local schools etc COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK: Needs to know what other groups are involved in similar work to share experience SOCIAL ENTERPRISE STRATEGY: Involving people with mental health problems/and or criminal convictions to develop wasteland into sustainable organic garden FUNDING: Package of small grant funding from new Leith regeneration fund, Big Lottery,and Community Health Partnership. LOCAL COMMUNITY PLANNING PARTNERSHIP: Greenspaces a priority and new areas of ground to be developed

8 Scottish Compact Information  Edinburgh Compact Strategy “In Equal Respect: A Shared Vision”  The Scottish Compact

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