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What on Earth am I here for? 5 Benefits to knowing purpose 1) Life has meaning: w/o God no purpose: no purpose no meaning: no meaning no significance.

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2 What on Earth am I here for? 5 Benefits to knowing purpose 1) Life has meaning: w/o God no purpose: no purpose no meaning: no meaning no significance. That is a tragedy 2) Life is simple: Always ask, “ does this fulfill my purpose?”. Fruit = Peace. 3) Life is more focused. Career (less = more) 4) Life has motivation. 5) Life is for eternal life. What did you do?

3 Purpose #4 Eph 4: 10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. You are put on this earth to make a contribution

4 Purpose #4 Ministry or Service What is service? Definition: Doing anything for others in the name of God. There are no insignificant services. To be clear, we are commanded to serve, not optional.

5 Service Sometimes our attitude is to come and take from the church, and having the church meet my needs. Got it backwards: Should say, what can we give and what needs are there that are not met. Remember, at the end, I need to give account of my service. Will my excuses be valid: I was busy, was working, was studying, having fun, …

6 Service Let’s look at some characters and see if they had excuses: AbrahamOld JosephAbused MosesStuttered RahabProstitute DavidSmall JeremiahDepressed JonahReluctant PeterHot head ThomasDoubted PaulPoor Health

7 Service Job 10: 8 “Your hands have made me and fashioned me” Is 43:21 “This people I have formed for Myself; They shall declare My praise” Conclusion: You were shaped to serve God. You were custom made, not mass produced.

8 SHAPE God gave you a SHAPE Or S H A P E

9 SHAPE S Spiritual Gifts H Heart A Abilities or talents P Personality E Experiences

10 Using What God Gave You 1) Assess your gifts: make a list of what you are good at, what people commented about you, where are my successes. Experiment. 2) Accept and Enjoy: recognize your limits. Stop comparing with others (2 Cor 10:12) 3) Keep developing: Analogy of muscles.

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