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Educational Technology in Context The Big Picture.

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1 Educational Technology in Context The Big Picture

2 What have we learned from the past? No technology has all the answers for education. Computer literacy skills keep changing. Must match the technology resources and methods to content area skills that display need for improvement, like reading, writing, and math. No single delivery system of computers does it all; you need stand alone computers and networks.

3 What have we learned from the past? Other people besides teachers write curriculum. Technology can bring undesirable changes too, like less face to face communication. Older technologies can still be useful. Teachers will always be important because kids need a counter-balancing human response.

4 Rationale for Using Technology in Education Motivation Unique instructional capabilities Support for new instructional approaches Increased teacher productivity Required skills for an information age

5 Motivation Gaining learner attention Engaging the learner through production work Increasing perceptions of control

6 Unique Instructional Capabilities Linking learners to information sources Helping learners visualize problems and solutions Tracking learner progress Linking learners to learning tools

7 Support for New Approaches Cooperative learning: small group work Shared intelligence or distributed intelligence: ideas that stay in one person’s head are too restrictive Problem solving and higher order skills: multimedia and the Internet allow teachers to set complex, long term goals that call for basic skills, motivating students to learn lower level skills at the same time they acquire higher ones

8 Increased Teacher Productivity Freeing time to work with students by helping with production and record keeping tasks such as attendance, grades Providing more accurate information more quickly Allowing teachers to produce better-looking, more “student- friendly” materials more quickly

9 The Big Six Skills Task definition Information-seeking strategies Location and access Use of information Synthesis Evaluation

10 Required Skills for an Information Age Information literacy: the Big Six Technology literacy: impacts economic competitiveness Visual literacy: needed to interpret, understand, and appreciate the meaning of visual messages and use visual thinking to conceptualize solutions to problems

11 Trends and Issues Shaping the Use of Technology in Education Cultural/Equity Societal Educational Technical

12 Cultural/Equity Issues and Trends Economic/Ethnic: lower income schools equals less access to computers, and more minority students in lower income schools Multicultural: “computer culture is pervasive in society” i.e., computers are everywhere Gender: technology remains a male-dominated area Special needs: special devices and methods can allow special needs students equal access to technology but are expensive to obtain and implement.

13 Societal Issues and Trends Economic trends: higher education costs Political trends: politicians want lower-cost, more effective education Social trends: recognition of need for technology literacy but also a growing popular distrust of technology too

14 Educational Issues and Trends Directed versus constructivist views: Directed uses of technology (drill, tutorial) are proven effective but often considered passe Constructivist uses are emphasized but little evidence exists on their effectiveness Single subject versus interdisciplinary: Past emphasis on teaching subjects in isolation Current trend toward integrated curriculum or merging several subjects into one activity

15 Technical Issues and Trends Rapid change: Technology changes too quickly for teachers to keep up with new software and hardware on their own Educators cannot afford most current technology Complexity: Teacher training is not keeping up with technology developments because there is not enough time Schools lack the infrastructure to keep up with new technologies due to funding difficulties sometimes

16 New Challenges and Skills Technology skills for all teachers Staying abreast of local and social attitudes, including pro- and anti-technology sentiments Using strategies to ensure equity: every teacher must acknowledge a personal responsibility to ensure access for economically, disadvantaged, minority, female, and differently-abled students Matching integration strategies with needs: analyze which approach is needed and use appropriate technology resources

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