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Hip-Hop as Culture & “I am Somebody” by, Grandmaster Flash

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1 Hip-Hop as Culture & “I am Somebody” by, Grandmaster Flash
Name:___________________ Date:_______ Hip-Hop as Culture & “I am Somebody” by, Grandmaster Flash

2 1.) to preposition Def: toward or until
Ex.) It was ten minutes to three o’clock. Ex.) Sarahi and Sky came to my house for dinner and a movie. Ex.) Will walks to school everyday through the wind, rain, sleet, snow, and hail. Your sentences: 1.) 2.) 3.)

3 2.) two (adjective) Def: the number 2
Ex.) I have two aunts who live nearby. Ex.) It will take me two hours to grade papers. Ex.) The rule has two parts. Your sentences: 1.) 2.) 3.)

4 3.) too adverb Def: also, very Ex.) That’s too bad.
Ex.) I’m too sick to travel. Ex.) She is young, clever, and rich too. Ex.) Your paper is too short. Your sentences: 1.) 2.) 3.)

5 4.)culture noun Def: the attitudes and behaviors of a group Context: “Many people might think that hip-hop culture is all about clothes and money.” Ex. 1.) Culture includes the beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that are shared by a group of people. 2.) Young people have a culture that appreciates creativity and independence. Your sentences: 1.) 2.)

6 5.) perspective noun Def: a point of view Context: “It’s a culture, a way of life, a language, a fashion, a set of values, and a unique perspective.” Ex. 1.) Your perspective is your point of view. 2.) Our teacher’s background in classical music gives him a unique perspective when he hears our music. Your sentences: 1.) 2.)

7 6.)encompass (-es, -ed, -ing) verb
Def: includes or surrounds Context: “Hip-Hop encompasses groups like Public Enemy who use rap to address racism, oppression, and poverty.” Ex. 1.) Your history textbook encompasses 600 years of world events. 2.) Your daily school schedule encompasses many different types of classes, everything from math to woodshop. Your sentences: 1.) 2.)

8 7.)adversity noun Def: Great hardship or misfortune
Context: “Hip-hop is about dance, art, expression, pain, love, racism, sexism, broken families, hard times, overcoming adversity, and even the search for God.” Ex. 1.) Throughout your life you will meet adversity, and it’s up to you to work hard and overcome those hardships. What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger. 2.) Most people show their true colors in times of adversity. Your sentences: 1.) 2.)

9 8.)evolve (-s, -ed, -ing) verb
Def: to develop over time Context: “I watched hip-hop evolve from underground house parties…to the first Run DMC video…to today’s rap millionaires…” Ex. 1.) When something evolves, it changes over time. 2.) My taste in music has evolved over the years. 3.) Movie making has evolved from silent black and white films to exciting, cutting-edge 3D movies that come alive in the theaters. Your sentences: 1.) 2.)

10 9.)innovator noun Def: a person who introduces something new Context: “These innovators are the architects of culture.” Ex. 1.) An innovator is someone who introduces something new. 2.) The new styles and sounds the musician uses make her an innovator of music. 3.) Some people think Lady Gaga is an innovator of fashion. No one has ever seen outfits quite like the ones she wears on the red carpet. Your sentences: 1.) 2.)

11 10.) assert (-s, -ed, -ing) verb
Def: to insist on having one’s opinions and right recognized. Context: “…hip-hop…has utterly broken through from its ghetto roots to assert a lasting influence on American clothing, magazine publishing, television, language…” Ex. 1.) When you assert something, you insist on having your opinions and ideas heard. 2.) The song lyrics assert the band’s ideas about the power of music. 3.) It is important to assert your ideas and thoughts when you feeling strongly about an issue. Your sentences: 1.) 2.)

12 11.)achieve (-s, -ed, -ing) verb
Def: to succeed or do well Context: “We all got purpose in life to achieve” Ex. 1.) To achieve means to succeed or to do well. 2.) If Rian works hard, he can achieve all his goals. 3.) All of Ms. Morse’s students will achieve their goals by passing the High School Exit Exam. Your sentences: 1.) 2.)

13 12.)self-esteem noun Def: the feeling that you are valuable; confidence; self-respect Context: “Well let me tell you that you’re better than nobody else. ‘Cause you got no self-esteem, so I’m richer And when you leave this earth, you can’t take money withca” Ex. 1.) Self-esteem is the feeling that you are valuable. 2.) The confident girl has high self-esteem. 3.) Having high self-esteem will help you achieve your goals. Your sentences: 1.) 2.)

14 13.)heritage noun Def: the background, race, or ethnic group you belong to Context: “Stand up for your heritage, rejoice in the fact. Whether you’re red, white, tan, yellow, brown, or black.” Ex. 1.) Your heritage is your background. 2.) Heritage includes the traditions and beliefs given to you by your family, culture, and society. Your sentences: 1.) 2.)

15 14.) accept (-s, -ed, -ing) (verb)
Def: to take something that is offered Ex.) Cadu would not accept pay for helping carry the groceries. Ex.) Eduardo asked Ms. Morse if she would accept his late homework. Your sentences: 1.) 2.)

16 15.) except (preposition)
Def: everything but, everyone but Ex.) She finished all of her homework except her math worksheet before dinner. Ex.) I love all vegetables except brussel sprouts. Ex.) I like all the characters on the show “Jersey Shore” except for Angelina. Your sentences: 1.) 2.)

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