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First Semester Review. What year was the first permanent English settlement established?

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Presentation on theme: "First Semester Review. What year was the first permanent English settlement established?"— Presentation transcript:

1 First Semester Review

2 What year was the first permanent English settlement established?

3 1607

4 What was the first representative assembly in the colonies?

5 House of Burgesses

6 What conflict caused the British to tax the colonists?

7 The French and Indian War

8 What was the economy in the New England colonies based on?

9 Ship building, fishing and lumbering

10 What was wrong with where Jamestown was settled?

11 Swampy with mosquitoes

12 What important document was signed in 1215 by King John and has influenced our government?

13 Magna Carta

14 Who said, “He that will not work, shall not eat.”?

15 John Smith

16 What agreement did the Pilgrim men sign where they vowed to obey laws that helped self-government?

17 Mayflower Compact

18 What was drafted in 1639 and was the first written constitution establishing a democratic government controlled by citizens?

19 Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

20 New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware were which colonies?

21 Middle colonies

22 Which religious group was against slavery and tried to help the Native Americans?

23 Quakers

24 Who founded Georgia?

25 James Oglethorpe

26 Which type of colony had an owner?

27 Proprietary colony

28 Which colonies used slaves to plant crops?

29 Southern colonies

30 What is the buying of and selling of humans for forced labor called?

31 Slavery

32 What was the time period that was a religious movement during the 1730’s and 1740s?

33 Great Awakening

34 What was the time period called that stressed reason and learning called?

35 Enlightenment

36 What was the document passed in 1689 which guaranteed Englishmen basic human rights?

37 English Bill of Rights

38 What was England’s basic lawmaking body called?

39 Parliament

40 What was the hands off policy by Britain to the colonies called?

41 Salutary neglect

42 Who won the French and Indian War?

43 Great Britain

44 Who was King of England during the Revolutionary War?

45 George III

46 What act prohibited the colonists from moving past the Appalachian Mts?

47 Proclamation of 1763

48 Which act said that colonists had to house British soldiers in their homes?

49 Quartering Act

50 Who said, “If this be treason, make the most of it!”

51 Patrick Henry

52 Which law required all legal documents, newspapers and cards to be taxed?

53 Stamp Act

54 What was the name of the secret society to oppose British policies?

55 Sons of Liberty

56 What was the shooting of 5 colonial men in 1768 by the Redcoats called?

57 Boston Massacre

58 Which happened first: The Boston Tea Party or Boston Massacre?

59 Boston Massacre

60 Who was the man who made the ride to warn the Colonists that the Redcoats were coming?

61 Paul Revere

62 What was the first Battle of the American Revolution?

63 Lexington and Concord

64 Which battle was the turning point in the Revolutionary War?

65 Saratoga

66 Why was Saratoga the turning point in the Revolutionary War?

67 The French decided to help the U.S.

68 Who wrote Common Sense and The Crisis?

69 Thomas Paine

70 Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

71 Thomas Jefferson

72 Who was Commander in Chief of the Continental army?

73 George Washington

74 What was the last battle of the Revolutionary War?

75 Battle of Yorktown

76 What treaty ended the Revolutionary War?

77 Treaty of Paris

78 Why did the Pilgrims come to the new world?

79 Religious Freedom

80 Who founded Pennsylvania?

81 William Penn

82 What crop did John Rolfe plant that saved Jamestown economically?

83 Tobacco

84 Why was New England not suited for agriculture?

85 It had a cool climate and rocky soil.

86 Which colonial region was called the “Bread basket” region?

87 The Middle colonies

88 Name two individuals who were forced to leave Massachusetts for religious reasons.

89 Anne Hutchinson and Roger Williams

90 Who was the Enlightenment figure that wrote “Poor Richard’s Almanac”?

91 Benjamin Franklin

92 What was one cause of the French and Indian War?

93 The French in the Ohio River Valley.

94 What was one result of the French and Indian War?

95 Great Britain was in debt and the French were removed from North America.

96 Under_________ the key to a country’s power was its wealth by controlling its colonies raw materials

97 Mercantilism

98 Where was the First Continental Congress held in 1774?

99 Philadelphia

100 Who said, “Give me liberty or give me death?”

101 Patrick Henry

102 Who was the Commander of the Bonhomme Richard who said, “I have not yet begun to fight!” ?

103 John Paul Jones

104 What were the group of people that sided with the British called?

105 Loyalists

106 What are your unalienable rights?

107 Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

108 Where did the Continental army spend the cold winter of 1777?

109 Valley Forge, Pennsylvania

110 Which came first the Constitution or the Articles of Confederation?

111 The Articles of Confederation

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