3 Tennis  I sometimes select suitable shots and can perform a co-operative rally.  I can perform a basic serve and move to the ball around the court.

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Presentation on theme: "3 Tennis  I sometimes select suitable shots and can perform a co-operative rally.  I can perform a basic serve and move to the ball around the court."— Presentation transcript:

1 3 Tennis  I sometimes select suitable shots and can perform a co-operative rally.  I can perform a basic serve and move to the ball around the court.  I am starting to understand the basic technique for forehand shots  I am able to apply some rules and tactics to game play in singles.  I am aware of some strengths and weaknesses in my own and others performance.  I cam warm-up safely using some suitable activities. 3c = 2 of the criteria met- from 2 colours! 3b = 4 of the criteria met- from 3 colours! 3a = All of the criteria met, Well done move on to level 4! National Curriculum Attainment Level

2 4 Tennis  I can play a range of ground strokes which are often performed with control.  I can approach the net and play volleys.  I can keep the score in a game  I can compose a basic strategy to win a point and sometimes put it into practice.  I can use some technical terms to describe a performance.  I understand how and why to use safe warm-up activities in tennis. 4c = 2 of the criteria met- from 2 colours! 4b = 4 of the criteria met- from 3 colours! 4a = All of the criteria met, Well done move on to level 5! National Curriculum Attainment Level

3 5 Tennis  I can demonstrate a forehand and backhand drive, a volley and a serve with consistent use of good technique.  I can use my knowledge of rules and court markings to score a game.  I am able to select a variety of shots which will increase my chance of scoring.  I am able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of my or others performance, with appropriate terminology.  I understand the need for suitable warm-up and cool down for preparation and conditioning. 5c = 2 of the criteria met- from 2 colours! 5b = 4 of the criteria met- from 3 colours! 5a = All of the criteria met, Well done move on to level 6! National Curriculum Attainment Level

4 6 Tennis  I use suitable shots with consistent precision, control, power and pace.  I can perform competitively using skills which are varied and show both flair and accuracy.  I am able to select and plan suitable strategies for the changing conditions or type of opponent.  I am effective at using the correct attacking and defensive positions in singles and doubles.  I can practise in response to my analysis of strengths and weaknesses.  I can explain how different types of training for tennis contribute to my fitness and health. 6c = 2 of the criteria met- from 2 colours! 6b = 4 of the criteria met- from 3 colours! 6a = All of the criteria met, Well done move on to level 7! National Curriculum Attainment Level

5 7 Tennis  I can perform a wide range of tennis shots showing power and consistent accuracy. I can use slice and topspin where appropriate  I can use positional strategies when serving and receiving to develop attacking and defensive positions.  I am able to select and use advanced shots and tactics in singles and doubles play.  I can coach others to incorporate different levels of skill and experience.  Having recognised strengths and weaknesses I can now plan for ways to improve.  I am able to explain the principles of training and the benefits to tennis. 7c = 2 of the criteria met- from 2 colours! 7b = 4 of the criteria met- from 3 colours! 7a = All of the criteria met, Well done move on to level 8! National Curriculum Attainment Level

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