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Sub Factor: Skill Repertoire. Watch the badminton footage below. Write down a list of the shots that you observe in the rallies.

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Presentation on theme: "Sub Factor: Skill Repertoire. Watch the badminton footage below. Write down a list of the shots that you observe in the rallies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sub Factor: Skill Repertoire

2 Watch the badminton footage below. Write down a list of the shots that you observe in the rallies. 5 longest rallies

3 Where and Why? Shot 1Shot 2Shot 3 Where and Why? Where and why? Shot Purpose X X X

4 The more skilful you are, the better your performance is likely to be. Being aware of the type of skill you are working on, will determine the way you practice and develop skill. A skilled performance is about your ability to be in the correct place at the correct time and be able to select the correct technique, making it look as effortless as possible to meet the open performance demands. Skills are learned as a result of effective practice and can be performed consistently, it is not a fluke or beginners luck. Skills and techniques – Correct shot selection Select skills that are successful in outcome Select skills which create scoring options Select skills that allow recovery Select skills which force errors

5 To become a skilled performer you must possess a broad repertoire of skills “ All strokes have a purpose. As a performer you must understand what you can do with strokes you have in your repertoire” The range of skills you have at your disposal Utilised in a variety of performance situations Skill Repertoire is

6 EVALUATE the impact of skill repertoire positively and negatively on performance.

7 Smash: Strength in Repertoire Impact 1 - Impact 2 ? Impact 3 ? EVALUATE the impact of skill repertoire positively and negatively on performance.

8 Positive Impact of skill Repertoire Ability to apply the right shot at the right time Potential to select a number of shots from any one point on court Able to carry height, angle and speed to expose space at the corners of court Dictate and control game Faster decision making (Bank of knowledge) faster motor response Accuracy and consistency. Quality preparation allows for economic and graceful movements

9 Negative Impact of limited Skill Repertoire Predictable Creativity, tactical and decision making potential massively reduced Limited options prevents you creating space Lack of timing, accuracy and technique reduces amount of movement required by opponent Constantly defending Unable to change tempo impact concentration, motivation and coping with pressure

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