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Integumentary System. Skin, hair, and nails. Skin: –Epidermis: outer layer. –Dermis: also called corium, or “true skin.” –Subcutaneous fascia: innermost.

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Presentation on theme: "Integumentary System. Skin, hair, and nails. Skin: –Epidermis: outer layer. –Dermis: also called corium, or “true skin.” –Subcutaneous fascia: innermost."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integumentary System

2 Skin, hair, and nails. Skin: –Epidermis: outer layer. –Dermis: also called corium, or “true skin.” –Subcutaneous fascia: innermost layer.


4 Integumentary Glands Sudoriferous: sweat glands. Sebaceous: oil glands.

5 Functions Protection. Sensory Perception. Body temperature regulation. Storage (temporary storage of fat, glucose, water, vitamins, salts).

6 Functions Absorption (medicine). Excretion. Production (vitamin D).

7 Athlete’s Foot

8 Contagious fungal infection. Usually affects the feet. Itching, blisters,cracking, open sores. Treatment: antifungal medication, keeping feet clean and dry.

9 Dermatitis (impetigo)

10 Dermatitis Inflammation of the skin. Caused by any substance that irritates the skin. Often an allergic reaction to detergents, cosmetics, pollen, or certain foods.

11 Impetigo Highly contagious skin infection. Usually caused by streptococci or staphylococci organisms. Symptoms: erythema, oozing vesicles, pustules, and formation of yellow crust. Treatment: antibiotics, keeping lesions clean and dry.

12 Eczema

13 Noncontagious. Inflammatory skin disorder caused by an allergen or skin irritant. Diets, cosmetics, soaps, medications, and emotional stress can be causes. Treatment: remove irritant, apply corticosteroids to reduce the inflammatory response.

14 Psoriasis

15 Chronic, noncontagious, inherited skin disease. Symptoms: thick, red arease covered w/ white or silver scales. No cure. Treatment: coal/tar or cortisone ointments, ultraviolet light, and/or scale removal.

16 Ringworm

17 Highly contagious. Fungal infection of the skin or scalp. Formation of a flat or raised circular area with a clear central area surrounded by an itchy, scaly, or crusty outer ring. Treatment: antifungal medications.

18 Plantar Wart (Verrucae)

19 Verrucae (warts) Viral infection of the skin. Removal by electricity, liquid nitrogen, acid, chemicals, or laser.

20 Macules Flat spots on the skin. Freckles.

21 Papules and Pustules

22 Papules Firm, raised areas such as pimples. Also, the eruptions seen in some stages of chickenpox and syphillis.

23 Pustules Pus-filled sacs. Acne, pimples.

24 Vesicles Blisters or fluid filled sacs. Ex: chickenpox.

25 Wheals

26 Itchy, elevated areas with an irregular shape. Hives, insect bites.

27 Ulcer

28 Deep loss of skin surface. May extend into the dermis. May cause periodic bleeding, formation of scars. Bedsores.

29 Another Ulcer


31 Albino Skin Pigmentation Person w/ absence of color pigmentation.

32 Jaundice

33 Cyanosis


35 Erythema

36 Burns First Degree Second Degree Third Degree

37 What degree burn is this?

38 First Degree Burn Causes - extremely hot liquids, heated cookwear, sun. Treatment - cool water, burn gel, cover with clean dressing. Prevention - wear sun screen, be careful, pay attention.

39 Second Degree Burn Causes- hot liquids, extreme sun exposure, fire, heated cookwear. Treatment- cool water, cover with clean dressing, DO NOT POP THE BLISTERS!!

40 Third Degree Burn Cause- Super hot liquids, fire, electricity Treatment- loosely cover with dry sterile dressing, treat for shock immediately

41 True Emergency if… is due to chemicals or electricity. covers a significant area of the body. is to the face.

42 What NOT to do for burns: Don’t use mayonnaise, butter, or ice! Don’t put it in your mouth! Never pop blisters! Don’t use burn gel on 3° burns!

43 What NOT to do for burns: Don’t remove clothing or jewelry that is stuck to the burned area! Don’t touch the burn with anything other than a clean covering!

44 Call 911 immediately if the burn: is due to chemicals or electricity. covers a significant area of the body. is to the face.

45 What caused this burn?

46 Chewing on Electrical Cord

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