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SKIN Health Science Technology I Dr. Halbert

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1 SKIN Health Science Technology I Dr. Halbert
INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM SKIN Health Science Technology I Dr. Halbert


3 Three main layers of skin
Epidermis Dermis Dermis is called true skin Notice pressure and touch receptor location Dermis contains sweat and sebaceous (oil) glands- located in or near hair follicles over entire skin surface Oil glands can become clogged with cell overgrowth but oil gland continues to produce causing blackheads or pimples Hair and nails are composed of keratin Subcutaneous Fatty Tissue 3

4 Epidermis Outermost layer Cells constantly being shed
Contains no blood vessels or nerves 5 layers Stratum corneum: outer part Stratum germinativum: inner layer

5 Dermis “true skin” Made up of elastic connective tissue and contains vessels, nerves, glands, hair follicles Top layer covered with papillae which form ridges which make up our fingerprints

6 Subcutaneous fascia or hypodermis
Innermost layer Connects skin to the muscle underneath


8 Sudoriferous glands Sweat glands
Eliminate water, salts and some body wastes Coiled tubes

9 Sebaceous glands Oil glands Produce sebum Open in to hair follicles
When plugged results in pimple or blackhead

10 Alopecia Lack of hair

11 Functions of the skin Protection Perception Regulation of temperature
Storage of fat, water, vitamins Absorption Excretion Production of Vitamin D


13 Skin pigment Melanin: brown-black pigment, does absorb UV light resulting in a tan Carotene: yellowish-red pigment

14 Albino Absence of color pigment

15 Erythema Reddish color of the skin
Burns or congestion of blood in vessels

16 Jaundice Yellow discoloration
Liver or gallbladder disease or destruction of red blood cells

17 Cyanosis Bluish discoloration Insufficient oxygen

18 Macules Flat spots on the skin Ex: freckles

19 Papules Firm raised areas Pimples Some stages of chicken pox

20 Vesicles Blisters Fluid filled sacs Chicken pox

21 Pustules Pus filled sacs Ex: acne

22 Crusts Dried pus and blood scabs

23 Wheals Itchy elevated areas with irregular shape Hives

24 Ulcer Deep loss of skin surface

25 Acne Vulgaris Inflammation of the sebaceous glands
Usually in adolescence Hormonal changes, increased secretion of sebum are underlying causes


27 Athlete’s foot Contagious, fungal infection usually of feet
Blisters, cracks, itching

28 Skin cancer Melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma
May develop from moles


30 Dermatitis Inflammation of the skin
Caused by any substance that irritates skin, often allergic Example: poison ivy

31 Eczema Non contagious, inflammatory disorder
Caused by allergy or irritant Dryness, edema, erythema, itching, vesicles, crusts

32 Impetigo Highly contagious Bacterial infection- Staph or Strep
Pustules and yellow crusts

33 Psoriasis Chronic, non contagious, inherited
Thick red area with white scales

34 Ringworm Contagious, fungal infection
Usually circular with a clear central area

35 Verrucae Warts Viral Rough, hard, elevated

36 Image Citations Slide 4: Delmar Learning’s Medical Terminology Image Library, Second Edition. Version ISBN: Slide 10: 1/3/06 Erythema Nodosum, Slide 11: 1/3/06 Slide 12: 1/3/06 Central Cyanosis, Slide 16: 1/3/06 Papules, Slide 17: 1/3/06 Vesicles, Slide 18: 1/3/06 Staphlococcal pustules, StaphPustule/StaphPustule.jpg Slide 20: 1/3/06 Slide 21: 1/3/06 Skin Ulcer, .jpg

37 Image Citations Slide 23: 1/3/06 Acne Vulgaris, Slide 24: 1/3/06 Athlete’s foot, tinea pedis, Slide 25: 1/3/06 Skin Cancer, Slide 26: 1/3/06 Allergic Contact Dermatitis, Slide 27: 1/3/06 Eczema, Slide 28: 1/3/06, Impetigo, Slide 29: 1/3/06, Psoriasis, Slide 30: 1/3/06, Ringworm, ngworm.jpg Slide 31: 1/3/06,

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