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Christianity.  Jesus of Nazareth  The center of the Christian Church; grew up in the town of Nazareth which is a part of Palestine  Christ  a title.

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Presentation on theme: "Christianity.  Jesus of Nazareth  The center of the Christian Church; grew up in the town of Nazareth which is a part of Palestine  Christ  a title."— Presentation transcript:

1 Christianity

2  Jesus of Nazareth  The center of the Christian Church; grew up in the town of Nazareth which is a part of Palestine  Christ  a title meaning “the anointed one” or “the messiah” – it was prophesized (predicted) that he would bring salvation (or save the people) of Israel  Blasphemy  to speak against God or religious ideas (such as calling yourself God)  Barabbas  a robber, brought before the Jews to distract them from Jesus  Leprosy  a disease that causes the skin of a victim to rot  thought to be cursed; ostracized (cast out) by society Vocabulary

3  Bible  the holy book of the Christians, Includes two sections –  the Old Testament: the books of the Jewish Torah  the New Testament: 4 gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John  Sedition  Attempting to create a rebellion against authority  Crucifixion  a brutal execution method, the accused is nailed to a cross by their feet and hands/wrists  death can result from different factors: dehydration, exposure (meaning their time in the sun or being exposed to the elements), blood loss, or asphyxiation (suffocate) Vocabulary

4  Parable  A simple, symbolic story that teaches a religious lesson  Judas  one of Jesus’ 12 disciples who betrayed Jesus to the Pharisees for 30 pieces of silver  The Good Samaritan  a charitable or helpful person  Gospels  literally means “good news”  the four books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John  teaches messages of love, forgiveness, faith, and salvation Vocabulary

5  New Testament  second half of Bible, gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John  Old Testament  includes the books of the Jewish Torah  Disciple  12 men who followed Jesus and helped spread his message  Pharisees  religious leaders of the Jews  Resurrection  coming back from the dead; Jesus rose from the dead 3 days after he was crucified Vocabulary

6 {  Jesus worked as a carpenter until age 30  He had 12 followers he called disciples to help spread his message  He was an electrifying figure who clashed with religious leaders of the day  He embraced sinners and outcasts  Proclaimed a message of faith and love What are 5 facts we know about Jesus?

7 {  “Christ,” is not his last name  Means “the anointed one” or “the messiah” Explain the term “Christ”

8 {  to speak against God or religious ideas (such as calling yourself God)  Jesus claims to be “the messiah,” which meant he was calling himself God. What is blasphemy? How does it relate to Jesus?

9 {  Attempting to create a rebellion against authority  Jesus spoke out against the Romans (the people in charge) and the Pharisees (the Jewish leaders) What is sedition? How does it relate to Jesus?

10 {  a brutal execution method, the accused is nailed to a cross by their feet and hands/wrists.  death can result from different factors: dehydration, exposure (meaning their time in the sun or being exposed to the elements), blood loss, or asphyxiation (suffocate)  This is how Jesus was executed What is Crucifixion? How does it relate to Jesus?

11 {  A simple, symbolic story that teaches a religious lesson Explain the term “parable”

12 { How do parables relate to Jesus? Why did people like parables so much?

13 {  “good news”  Because Jesus brought “good” things: forgiveness, healing, love, etc…  Opposite of the Old Testament where Yahweh was vengeful and punished the Jews What does “Gospel” mean? Why is this word used for the 4 books of the New Testament?

14 {  His- or short stories  Ability to perform… What are 2 reasons Jesus was popular? miracles parables

15 {  An unexplainable, positive event, worked by the higher power. What is a miracle?

16 {  Disease which causes the infected person’s skin to rot  Lepers were thought to be “cursed” because they were horrible sinners. What is leprosy? Why were lepers shunned?

17 {  He healed the hand on a Saturday  What do Jews do on Saturdays?  NO WORK. Why were the Pharisees angry about Jesus healing the man with the withered hand?

18 {  He was the son of god – one part of the “trinity”  The Trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit What did Jesus teach about the Trinity?

19 {  Through him  By believing only in him.  NOT just doing good deeds. How to Jesus say people get to heaven?

20 {  The “Golden Rule”  Treat others as you wish to be treated What did Jesus teach about how people should treat others?

21 {  Rely on God and do not worry. What did Jesus teach about worrying?

22 Why South America?

23 Identify: Venezuela Guyana Columbia Trinidad and Tobago Ecuador Peru Chile Argentina Bolivia Paraguay Uruguay Brazil French Guiana Suriname

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