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Yay! You downloaded a document.  Now, in the bottom left corner, there is a very tiny button that looks like this: Click on it! Click on it!

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Presentation on theme: "Yay! You downloaded a document.  Now, in the bottom left corner, there is a very tiny button that looks like this: Click on it! Click on it!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Yay! You downloaded a document.  Now, in the bottom left corner, there is a very tiny button that looks like this: Click on it! Click on it!

2 Reminder:  When we are using PowerPoint, we can use the space bar or the right arrow to move to the next page. We use the left arrow to go back.

3 Computer Basics Lesson 1

4 Rules  1. Follow Directions  2. Work quietly and stay on task.  3. Put equipment away properly.  4. Respect!

5 1. Follow Directions  You will be given specific instructions on how to use the computers.  Follow along, pay attention, and if you have a question, RAISE YOUR HAND!  Do not distract your neighbor because you were not listening.  Listen carefully and this class will be very easy!  DO NO ADJUST COMPUTER SETTINGS!

6 2. Work quietly and stay on task.  When given assignments, you should not be talking. (unless its partner work)  Your volume should be loud enough for only you to hear.  You should be working on class work unless its free time.

7 3. Put equipment away properly  Walk quietly into the classroom.  Only touch your chair or the table to push yourself in.  DO NOT TOUCH THE MONITOR! EVER!  The keyboard should be pushed up against the monitor.  The mouse should be touching the keyboard right next to it.  Your headphones should be hung up or next to your computer. The black wire should be underneath the headphones.  When you have pushed in your chair, I will come around check your equipment and dismiss you to line up.

8 4. RESPECT  Respect you teacher by following the rules and treating me how you would like to be treated!  Respect other students by sharing equipment, being kind, and no disrupting their learning.  Respect the equipment by taking care of the computer. You break it you buy it! Well your parents do! $$$$$

9 Consequences  1 st Offense: Verbal Warning  2 nd Offense: No Computer Use for the day  3 rd Offense: No Computer Use for the week  4 th Offense: No Computer Use for the Quarter

10 HINT!!!  The more you listen and follow the rules, the more free time you have! EASY AS THAT! EASY AS THAT!

11 KEY TERMS  There are certain words that I will be using very often. Here are what those words are and what they mean.

12 Cursor  An arrow or small hand that shows where the mouse is pointing

13 Monitor NEVER TOUCH!

14 Keyboard

15 Headphones

16 Mouse

17 Equipment  The computer monitor, mouse, keyboard, and headphones make up the equipment you are responsible for.

18 Volume To adjust the volume use these buttons Quieter LOUDER Mute Quieter LOUDER Mute

19 Tool Bar  At the top of screen is the toolbar. It will always be there. The word in the far left tells you what application you are in.

20 Dock  This is the menu at the bottom of the screen. It tells you what applications are open. FINDER SAFARI TRASH

21 File or Folder  A collection of information stored on your computer with it’s own name. These are the grade level folders on the Desktop.

22 Home Screen  At the beginning and the end of class your computer should be on the Home Screen.

23 Icons  The pictures on the home screen are called icons. Click the icons to open up up the file or link.

24 Safari Tools ADDRESS BAR- where you type in the website you want to go to EXIT : to close the window MINIMIZE: to put the window in the Dock ENLARGE: to make the window bigger

25 Computer Terminology  These next terms are used when using computers.  Grades 4-8, please exit out of this PowerPoint!

26 Font  A set of characters or typeface with a particular design and size.  Times New Roman  Comic Sans  Curlz MT

27 Highlight  To scroll across and select information to edit, cut, copy, paste, or delete.

28 Internet  The largest computer network in the world, reaching millions of people, on thousands of interconnected networks.

29 Memory  Internal storage areas in the computer.

30 Mouse  A hand-held device you move on your desk to point to and/or select items on your screen.

31 Network  A group of connected computers that allow people to share information

32 Online  Being connected to a network of computers or other devices.

33 Peripheral  A computer device, such as the printer, that is not part of the essential computer.

34 E-Mail  E-mail stands for electronic mail. E-mail is a way of sending messages electronically from one computer user to another. E-mail may be sent across the room or around the world. Email addresses are recognizable by the @ symbol.

35 Scanner  A device for duplicating recorded data which can be transmitted to a computer

36 Slides  Individual parts of a slideshow presentation such as in Microsoft PowerPoint. The page you are viewing is a slide.

37 The End  Now you have learned the computer basics

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