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Computer Lab Rules No food or drink in the lab. That includes gum and candy. Obey all regular classroom rules. Treat the computer with respect: Please.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Lab Rules No food or drink in the lab. That includes gum and candy. Obey all regular classroom rules. Treat the computer with respect: Please."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Lab Rules No food or drink in the lab. That includes gum and candy. Obey all regular classroom rules. Treat the computer with respect: Please do not touch the monitor; gentle use of the keyboard, mouse and headphones Day 1 of Technology Class presentation

2 Computer Lab Rules If you have a problem with the computer or security issues, let the teacher know immediately. Please raise your hand you have a question. Listen carefully, and follow directions.

3 Computer Lab Rules When sitting at the computer use good posture.
When its time to go close out all programs and push your chair in.

4 Computer Lab Rules Do not personalize the computers, for example:
Installing screen savers from the Internet. Changing the desktop background. Changing the video and audio settings unless instructed. Adding, changing or moving icons on the desktop

5 Computer Lab Rules Please do not tamper, delete, manipulate, or damage.

6 Internet Use Students will access the Internet for research only or as assigned by teachers. Appropriate network and interpersonal etiquette are expected. Vulgarities, abusive language, offensive messages or pictures and dishonesty are prohibited

7 Unacceptable Internet Use
Vandalizing, damaging, disabling or gaining unauthorized access to another person's property, file, data, or material Revealing home address, phone numbers or information about anyone else is prohibited. Transmission of any material that is protected by copyright laws and/or trespassing in another’s files is prohibited.

8 Internet Use No Accessing, printing, downloading or uploading personal web pages. No engaging in any commercial or business activity. No On-line game playing. No Printing, downloading or uploading information from a personal disk without permission. No Chat rooms, instant messaging are prohibited.

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