Mr. Saroj Kumar Dash.  Offers platform to the voiceless and choice less to access development  Received the statutory approval of being the core of.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Saroj Kumar Dash.  Offers platform to the voiceless and choice less to access development  Received the statutory approval of being the core of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Saroj Kumar Dash

2  Offers platform to the voiceless and choice less to access development  Received the statutory approval of being the core of grass root democracy for participatory governance and decentralized democracy by virtue of 73 rd amendment  Underlying assumption that it would ensure grass root democracy with optimum community participation, transparency and accountability.  Translate the concept of “Gram Swaraj”  1999-2000 – govt. of India declared as “year of GramSabha”

3  Effective function depends upon common people to recognize its importance and their role for it  Lack of awareness often contributes to limited presence and participation in pallisabha / Gramasabha  Over few decades – these institutions have lost some of their momentum, getting disconnected with the people it is meant for

4  Government of Odisha took historic and revolutionary step to reconnect Sabha to gram – October Revolution  Govt. of Odisha committed for progressive devolution of funds, functions and functionaries for effective planning and implementation of different RD programmes  45 days event  Host of IEC activities i.e. invitations, hoardings, Banners, leaflets, public address system, print and electronic advertisements, street plays, use of local & traditional folk media, Radio / TV jingles/spots, appeal letters to mobilize people

5  preparation and timely submission of village level plans compiled at the Gram Panchayat level will enable better fund flow and effective utilization

6  All the Gram Sabhas conducted during the campaign period were recorded in video format which ensured transparency and strengthened the Gram Sabhas, particularly in the tribal area.  Capturing the data generated in the Gram Sabha, analysis and utilizing the data meaningfully for planning and the implementation for different flagship programmes namely MGNREGS, IAY, BRGF, Concrete Cement Road and GGY for the financial year 2013-14  Partnership with seven line departments including Women and Child Development, Health and Family Welfare, School and Mass Education, Rural Development, Schedule Tribe and Schedule Caste, Tourism and Culture, Agriculture and Information and Public Relations

7  44294 Palli Sabha conducted (99.44% of the total planned Palli Sabha) 2-12 October 2012  61011 EC mela conducted (97.84% Of the total planned IEC mela)  6072 Gram Sabhas conducted (97.37% of the total planned Gram Sabha in 6236 Gram Panchayat)  Average attendance in Palli Sabha varies from 30% to 80 % while in Gram Sabha varies from 20% to 40% across the State.  1,38,531 scanned PDF files from Gram Sabha uploaded in the respective website of the 30 numbers of DRDAs of the State.  84,76,041 projects entered in GSSK web site and shared with the District and Blocks for their perspective plan for 2013-14 onwards

8  The projects as identified under the various flagship programmes have find its place as well as due recognition in Annual Action Plan – 2013-14 of Gram resulting, peoples’ faith in governance system  Average attendance stood between 60 and 70 per cent, in some places it registered 90 per cent attendance.  It allowed as many as 7 governmental departments to talk and share highlights of their different schemes resulting visibility of programmes and concerned extension officials at the village level in such an organized manner for the first time in Odisha  was not politicized at any level, Under the right leadership from the State government, it was effectively implemented by the State Institute of Rural Development (SIRD) and through the block and district level teams  Quick decisions, speedy actions and excellent monitoring ensured that things were carried out as per the plan. The entire State machinery was in full force lending its weight behind the programme.

9  State government to relook and review the extant legislation to determine the legislative and other steps to ensure that the “powers” and “functions” stipulated in the Article 243A of the Constitution are adequately incorporated.  Gram Sabha and Palli Sabha meetings, where all important issues, are discussed may be made statutory for release of groups.  Awards may be distributed for the Best Functioning Units in Odisha.  Video recordings may be displayed to have so being effects on the members participating in discussions.  A Data Bank may be built up. This will cover all the GPs. PSs and ZPs.  Gram Sabhas/Palli Sabhas headed by women may be identified and mention may be made of their good works.  Special mentions may be made of state officials who, through their efforts, contribute to the growth development of PRI Institutions.

10 Thank You

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