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STATE AUDIT INSTITUTION1 Streamlining Accountability : Blostering Government Transparency and Citizens Participation Trough Enhanced Information Exchange.

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Presentation on theme: "STATE AUDIT INSTITUTION1 Streamlining Accountability : Blostering Government Transparency and Citizens Participation Trough Enhanced Information Exchange."— Presentation transcript:

1 STATE AUDIT INSTITUTION1 Streamlining Accountability : Blostering Government Transparency and Citizens Participation Trough Enhanced Information Exchange Presented by: Abdulameer Al Lawati Head of Systems Section State Audit Institution Sultanate of Oman

2 STATE AUDIT INSTITUTION2 Overview Evolution of State Audit Institution Community Relations Department Complaints E- Window Impacts & Achievements Constraints & Lessons learnt

3 Sultanate of Oman 3 AREA: 309,500 sq. km. POPULATION: (3.6 m) mid 2012 CAPITAL: Muscat LIFE EXPECTANCY ( 2012 ): 75.4 POPULATION DENSITY: 11.6 The SULTANATE IS DIVIDED INTO 11 MAIN ADMINISTRATIVE Governorates GDP per capita ( 2011 ) : US $ 21,236 GNI per capita ( 2011 ): US $ 20,025 CURRENCY: 1 OMR = US $ 2.58 TIME DIFFERENCE: GMT + 4 hours * Source : National Center of Information & Statistics - Oman

4 STATE AUDIT INSTITUTION4 Evolution of State Audit Institution (SAI) 1970 Department under Ministry of Finance 1981 Directorate General under Ministry of Diwan Affairs 1999 Operational Independence 2000 State Audit Law 2011 Updated Sate Audit Law

5 STATE AUDIT INSTITUTION5 Protect the State public funds and private funds Ensure the enforcement of Laws, regulations, systems and decision Prevent conflicts of interest and financial or administrative violations Detect deficiencies or weaknesses in the applicable financial and administrative laws, regulations and systems in force and recommend measures for rectification Abide by the principles of transparency in financial and administrative dispositions Carry out preventive audit Evaluate the performance of the entities (EEE’s) Detect the reasons for deficient output and performance Objectives

6 STATE AUDIT INSTITUTION6 Report directly to Chairman Office handle complaints management promote SAI communication channels both internally and externally awareness towards transparency, public accountability and audit Community Relations Department (CRD)

7 STATE AUDIT INSTITUTION7 Complaints Window Electronic form for feedback and complaints Launched in Jul 2011 Around 377 feedbacks and complaints were registered Objectives : – Activate E-participation concept – Create new channel with citizens – Enhancing Information Exchange – Involve citizen in combating corruption



10 STATE AUDIT INSTITUTION10 Concern Dept. Verification Inspection Results Community Relations Dept. Through Window complaint Chairman Office Take Action Complaint Process Mechanism

11 STATE AUDIT INSTITUTION11 Statistics of Complaints and Notices (2011-2012)

12 STATE AUDIT INSTITUTION12 The Impacts Social Impact - Created mechanism for redressal of Citizens grievances. - Established mechanism where whistle blowers can escalate red flags to SAI. - Improved the faith of citizens in administration. - Strengthened compliance with internal control. - Contribute to Good Governance. - Citizens become a partner in ensuring transparency.

13 STATE AUDIT INSTITUTION13 The Impacts … (cont.)

14 STATE AUDIT INSTITUTION14 Achievements 377 audit engagement were taken up based on identified malpractices from the complaints. About 30 cases referred for investigation by the SAI to the public prosecution. 2011 approximately USD 883 Million of public funds were recovered and saved. Highest support from the SAI Chairman, was key to its Success

15 STATE AUDIT INSTITUTION15 Marketing and Awareness Citizens have rights for quality service from government and the protection of public funds and assets. Good feedback from customers and citizens along with their responses from social media network, online chat forum, Facebook & Twitter, etc, provided the impetus for SAI to uphold their roles with integrity and honor. Government organizations are now more receptive of public feedback and SAI’s recommendations.

16 STATE AUDIT INSTITUTION16 Marketing and Awareness


18 STATE AUDIT INSTITUTION18 Constraints and Lessons Learnt Need to carry out business process re-engineering and setting out the policy and procedures on handling the complaints before launching the E- Complaints window The competencies of the staff handling and managing the complaints had to be ascertained before putting them on the job. This would reduce any adverse communication. Implementing the initiative was very tedious and demanding. If more time were available, the IT system could be integrated into the main Audit Management System. Through the use of dashboard for monitoring and tracking the situations, the SAI can monitor and enhance strategic planning and reporting. Provide automation and linking for every audit team so that they can connect with the SAI Head office anywhere and anytime. This would assist in expediting their communications with the Head office.


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