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Mrs. Lara Alt Background and Experience UVA – B.A. English VA Tech – M.A. Curriculum and Instruction 11 th year of teaching/5 th at.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Lara Alt Background and Experience UVA – B.A. English VA Tech – M.A. Curriculum and Instruction 11 th year of teaching/5 th at."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Lara Alt

2 Background and Experience UVA – B.A. English VA Tech – M.A. Curriculum and Instruction 11 th year of teaching/5 th at LCHS Adult Night School with LCPS – 5 years Indiana East University: Working on certificate in Composition Studies

3 Check VISION and Clarity Log in: find my classes by typing lch alt Use Password: altparent On Clarity, you will see: Z= zero (student should still turn in the assignment) X= excused numeric grade Email me anytime with questions:

4 English 11 Honors: a typical block Warm up: grammar or vocabulary mini-lesson and/or practice. Literature or writing lesson: A Raisin in the Sun Group or individual work Whole class discussion Writing and research in computer lab Record homework in agendas

5 Grading/Clarity Formative – 0 % Homework assignments (5-10 points) Class assignments/journals (5-10 points) Rough drafts (30-50 points) VISION forum posts – introducing a concept Summative – 100% Projects and presentations (20-50 points) Journals (5-10 points) Quizzes (10-15 points) Tests (30-50 points) Vision Forum Posts (5-10 points) Final draft papers (30-50 points total)

6 Writing So far: an original poem about a detailed memory a timed writing as a pre-assessment several forum posts on VISION and journal responses to classwork.

7 So far we have: taken a vocabulary quiz worked to understand use of colons and semicolons – quiz Friday discussed the tragic heroes, epic heroes, and discussed themes we will find in A Raisin in the Sun analyzed and discussed poems and primary documents from American history

8 Future Assignments Persuasive writing: Students will work to understand and analyze essays and print media and learn ways to present an organized argument. Homework: comprehension questions and journals, grammar and vocabulary practice, note taking using Cornell notes as they read or watch video presentations A Raisin in the Sun Big Question Research Multimedia projects: students will collaborate to organize and present literary analysis and research

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