November 2012.  HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus  It is a virus that attacks the immune system and weakens the body’s ability to fight infection.

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1 November 2012

2  HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus  It is a virus that attacks the immune system and weakens the body’s ability to fight infection  It is the virus that leads to AIDS  There is NO CURE

3  HIV attacks the “helper T-cells” ( CD4 cells)  These are white blood cells that fight infection  If the virus destroys T-cells faster than the body can reproduce them, infections attack the body and make a person sick.

4  On average, there are about 800-1200 T-cells per cubic milliliter of blood in an adult body  HIV becomes AIDS when the count drops below 200 t-cells per cubic milliliter  Children will be diagnosed based on their aged  Under age 1 – 750 T-cells  Age 1-5 – 500 T- cells  Age 6-12 – 200 T-cells

5  HIV begins replicating as soon as the infection occurs.  Even if the person is not feeling sick, HIV is attacking the blood cells.  A person with HIV can be symptom free for ten years or more!

6  AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome  This is a group of diseases that can result from infection with the HIV virus  ONLY people with HIV can get AIDS!  A person is diagnosed with AIDS when:  Blood tests indicate that the T-cell count has dropped below 200 (adults)  The person has AIDS indicator conditions (other special diseases that develop from HIV and other infections)

7  There are four stages of HIV:  Stage One: Infection  this is when the person comes in contact with the virus and the infection occurs  Short, flu-like illness - occurs one to six weeks after infection  Stage Two: Asymptomatic Stage  Person has HIV, but does not show any signs  Lasts for an average of ten years

8  Stage Three: Symptomatic Stage  The symptoms are mild  The immune system deteriorates  emergence of infections and sometimes cancers  Stage Four: Diagnosis of AIDS  The immune system is severely damaged  The illnesses become more severe leading to an AIDS diagnosis

9  HIV is like a roller coaster with many ups and downs  Some people with HIV will never be diagnosed with AIDS, but others will  It is possible to have HIV for many years and never develop symptoms  Some people with AIDS are too sickly and die very quickly, but other live with it for a very long time  Symptoms can be constant or they can come and go

10  At this time there is no cure for HIV but there are treatments that help many people live longer  There are medications that are taken to attack the virus and reduce the infection, but they cannot many it disappear completely  Otherwise, the infected person has to live a very healthy lifestyle:  Eating healthy  Exercising regularly  Avoiding drugs, alcohol, tobacco

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