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課程: BLENDER 的材質與花紋 Material and Textures. Material ( 材質 )

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Presentation on theme: "課程: BLENDER 的材質與花紋 Material and Textures. Material ( 材質 )"— Presentation transcript:

1 課程: BLENDER 的材質與花紋 Material and Textures

2 Material ( 材質 )

3 Basic Material( 材質 ) Settings  You must always add a material before you can add a texture  To add a material, first select the object  Go to the Materials panel in the Properties window click the “New” button

4 basic material panels If you plan on using just straight color and no texture, this is where you set the object’s color.

5 Diffuse ( 漫射 )  Diffuse is actually the color that is given off by the object ( 物體本身的色彩 ) By clicking on the color sample in diffuse, the color wheel will pop up

6 Specular ( 反射 )  Specular settings control the glossiness ( 光亮程度 ) of the object (is it flat or shiny?)

7 Shading( 遮光 )  If you want something to glow, even in low light, adjust the Emit ( 發光 )slider. Ambient ( 週遭 )light allows the object to also react as if indirect light were hitting it

8 Transparency( 透明 )  After checking the Transparency box and “Z Transparency” selected, you can control how transparent an object is using the Alpha slider.  ( 選擇後調整 Alpha, 物體可變透明 )

9 Halo ( 光暈 )Settings

10 練習 : 請設定玻璃杯材質呈像

11 提示 : 透明使用 Raytrace  Raytrace 為較複雜之光線 追蹤法

12 Change the material of object  Change or setting the material of object with the other existing materials ( 修改材質為已存在之材質 )

13 Textures ( 花紋 )

14 Basic Textures ( 花紋 ) Settings  Click on the Texture button beside the Material button


16 Blender's Built-In Textures: 不同花紋有不同 的設定參數

17 An example of how to work with a texture  Apply a wood texture to a cube  Make the Diffuse ( 漫射 )color brown  Take Specular ( 反光 )Intensity ( 強 度 ) down a bit

18 An example of how to work with a texture  Add anew texture  Make the texture type “Wood”  “Sine-Saw-Tri” will give you a different stripe while “Bands- Rings-Band Noise-Ring Noise” will give you a different pattern

19 An example of how to work with a texture  Color needs to be corrected  adjust the Size (X,Y,Z) of the texture and the Noise Basis for more effects

20 Stucci Texture Normal Off Normal OnAdjusting the “Nor” slider to adjust the amount of the effect

21 Using Images and Movies as Textures ( 貼圖 )

22 Projected Texture Types Textures can be projected Flat, Cube, Tube, or Sphere onto an object. Mapped Flat Mapped Cube Mapped Tube Mapped Sphere

23 Extension: Repeat  Control this in the “Image Mapping” panel under the “Repeat” option

24 Material and Texture panels work together The bricks look good, but a bit too glossy and flat Make adjustments to Specular in Materials (glossiness) and add a “Normal” to the brick texture

25  End

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