Annual Report For the School Year 2013-2014 Principal: Russ Facione Annual Report Meeting: Tuesday, September 9 th 2014 7PM.

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Presentation on theme: "Annual Report For the School Year 2013-2014 Principal: Russ Facione Annual Report Meeting: Tuesday, September 9 th 2014 7PM."— Presentation transcript:

1 Annual Report For the School Year 2013-2014 Principal: Russ Facione Annual Report Meeting: Tuesday, September 9 th 2014 7PM

2 Bingham Farms Mission Statement: The mission of Bingham Farms Elementary School is to promote rigorous academic standards, encourage positive risk taking and foster life long learning in our rapidly changing world. We all commit to closing all achievement gaps and providing engaging instruction that fosters creativity. We all commit to creating respectful, safe, and caring environments that celebrate diversity, encourage growth and addresses all learning styles.

3 Parent Participation in Conferences: 97% Overall96% Girls97% Boys


5 Blowing up the Vision… Staff Activity In groups we are doing the Letter Mosaic. You will go in and out of the building, finding representations of each letter in your word. Take a picture. When you’re done, Make one picture or your letters. Then we will share each “mosaic”. We will then get prints made for the Lounge of each creation.

6 Mosaic







13 GAN- Walk through our SMART Goal…

14  Goals in Writing, Reading and Math – Implementation of Writer Workshop.  We continued to work on our RTI (Response to Intervention) model of targeting our lowest performing Quartile of students and providing Title I funded additional instruction: – Morning Math BBC & ELA BBC (5 student class) – Reading and Math Support during school day.  With the addition of Instructional Specialists, we evolved our PLC (Professional Learning communities) by: – having ongoing discussion about kids and their performance and – reflected on our teaching and monitored interventions. School Improvement:

15  PLC- Professional Learning Communities – We work during common planning time. – We analyze student progress – See whether students either missed the target made it or already know it. – Then we adjust and intervene accordingly  RtI- Response to Instruction/Intervention – Tier I Instruction- This happens in the classroom, it’s about 75% of your students experiences. It is differentiated & engaging. – Tier II Intervention- Due to students not making benchmark progress, we then may step into an intervention—examples include BBC Morning classes, Literacy groups. Title I support. – Tier III Intervention – Due to continued lack of progress, we may move on to a more intense intervention, like AARI or Reading Recovery. Also a Special Education Evaluation may be recommended as next steps. School Improvement: Making PLC’s and RtI a part of our culture

16 Grading Update  SBG Standards Based Grading.  Year II  But it may be new to you.  How is it different than what we used to do.

17 “How is my child doing?”  Academic Quality descriptors:  Below  Working Toward  Meeting Most  Mastering 3 Report Periods (not 4)

18 Assessment- Our AER The AER is available for you to review below. For more information, visit and search “Oakland Schools” and “School District of the City of Birmingham.” You may also review a copy from the Main The state has identified some schools with the status of Reward, Focus or Priority. Reward school outperforming other schools with a similar student population. Focus school is one that has a large achievement gap in 30% of its student achievement scores. Priority school is one whose achievement and growth is in the lowest 5% of all schools in the state. We received none of these designations this year.

19 Assessment- Our AER This school year at Bingham Farms, we will continue to aggressively address any achievement gaps we may have amongst our sub-groups. We pay particular attention to our ethnic diversity and how our African American students (who make up 35% of our student population) perform on our standardized assessments compared to their Caucasian classmates. We will address this through a close analysis of each individual student’s success, and to determine what additional assistance that student may need.

20 Assessment- Our AER We have several outlets for assistance: Title I funded BBC morning program in both English Language Arts and Math in 1-5 BBC Jump Start, Fall Session, Spring Session K-5 classroom assistance, to pull-out small group support. (Ms. Biehl, Ms. Coco, Mr. Johnson) Enriching as well!! This is in addition to high quality instruction that is both engaging and individualize to each student.

21 Testing Results 1st2nd3rd4th5th Bingham Farms ‘13 Bingham Farms ‘14 188.3 188.8 202.8 199.6 208.3 207.9 221.8 216.9 226.4 228.1 National Norms179.0191.3203.1212.5221.0 1 st 2nd3rd4th5 th Spring 201378.684.083.3 67.7 79.3 Spring 201490.684.475.668.171.6 MEAP Assessment (% Proficient) GradeTest‘13, ’14Test‘13, ‘14 3 rd Math64% 68%Reading 87% 81% 4 th Math 70%, 73%Reading 88% 86% 5 th Math 75% 67%Reading 88% 94%


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