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Math Committee Meeting December 3, 2009. Introduction  Agenda Overview  Pink cards are on every table for questions that are out of the scope of today’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Math Committee Meeting December 3, 2009. Introduction  Agenda Overview  Pink cards are on every table for questions that are out of the scope of today’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Math Committee Meeting December 3, 2009

2 Introduction  Agenda Overview  Pink cards are on every table for questions that are out of the scope of today’s work.

3 Productive Disposition  In grade level groups, share the results of the productive disposition lesson/s you have taught with your class.  What has changed for your students?  Make a list of these changes to share with the entire group. Productive Disposition is the “habitual inclination to see mathematics as sensible, useful, and worthwhile, coupled with a belief in diligence and one’s own efficacy. (National Research Council 2001, page 116).

4 When do I Teach Problem Solving?  In the 2002 Oregon Math Standards, problem solving was a Core Standard on its own.  While problem solving is no longer listed as its own individual core standard, it is critical that problem solving be woven through the mathematic standards.

5 Problem Solving Templates

6 Problem Solving  Work on the sample problem you were given (independent work).  Find at least one person at your table who solved the problem the same way you did.  Find a different person at your table who solved the problem a different way than you did.  What are the benefits of giving students a graphic organizer to use for problem solving and/or other areas of the curriculum?

7 Types of Assessments  List all of the assessments that you have used this year as a teacher (include ALL subject areas).  All of the assessments that you have written down are either formative or summative.  As the presentation continues, revisit your list, labeling each test as either formative or summative.

8 Summative Assessments  Given periodically to determine at a particular point in time what students know and do not know.  Used to measure achievement.  Generally part of the grading process.

9 Types of Summative Assessments  Unit test  Final exam  State assessment

10 Formative Assessments  Students can complete in 5 minutes or less.  Are based on standards.  A quick diagnostic tool that drives instruction.  Informs both teachers and students at a point when timely adjustments can be made.  Are used for student learning, not a measure of student learning.

11 Types of Formative Assessments  Free-response questions on one specific learning target  Observation  Think-pair-share  Exit cards  Problem solving  Short quizzes  Pre/Post Tests are a unique type of formative assessment because they take longer than 5 minutes, but they are still used to drive instruction.

12 What do you do with Formative Assessment Results?  Give descriptive feedback to students  Plan instruction  Stop and re-teach  Review pieces of standards in future lessons  Differentiate based on student need  Student self-reflection

13 National Mathematics Advisory Panel Recommendations:  “…the Panel recommends regular use of formative assessment, particularly for students in the elementary grades.”  “For struggling students, frequent (e.g., weekly or biweekly) use of these assessments appears optimal, so that instruction can be adapted based on student progress.”  “Formative assessment should be an integral component of instructional practice in mathematics.”

14 Formative Assessment Scenarios  Working in grade level teams, create a plan to meet the needs of the students in the classroom scenarios.  Determine what skills would need to be taught.  Make recommendations as to how the teacher could implement that in their classroom.

15 Intervention and Extension Scenario Assignments Kindergarten - Group K-C Grade 1 – Group 1B Grade 2 – Group 2C Grade 3 – Group 3A Grade 4 – Group 4B Grade 5 – Group 5C Grade 6 – Group 6B

16 Building Level Planning  Sit in building groups.  Complete and turn in the Building Planning Sheet from the November 10, 2009 meeting.  For next time – Please fill out the December 3, 2009 Building Planning Sheet. This information is tremendously valuable for us as it guides our future meetings (formative assessment).

17 Next Steps  Use a new type of formative assessment in your class and create a plan to meet the needs of your students based on the results.  Site Renewal Activities: 1. Mathematical Rope (if not done previously) 2. Drilling into standards (if not done previously) 3. NCSD Web page (if not done previously) 4. Productive Disposition 5. Optional Items – (math beliefs and formative assessment)

18 Balancing Assessments When a comprehensive assessment program at the classroom level balances formative and summative student learning/achievement information, a clear picture emerges of where a student is relative to standards.

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