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BULLYING & Harassment.

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Presentation on theme: "BULLYING & Harassment."— Presentation transcript:

1 BULLYING & Harassment

2 What does a BULLY look like??





7 On the rise… In recent years we have seen some devastating effects of bullying. What comes to mind??? 71% of school shooters had been victims of bullying. The connection between bullying and other forms of violence is becoming all too real! An incident of bullying happens every 7 minutes. The average bullying behavior lasts only 37 seconds.

8 What is bullying? Raise you hand if….

9 What is Bullying? Bullying is any ongoing physical or
Verbal mistreatment where there is an imbalance of power and the victim (target) is exposed repeatedly to negative actions on the part of one or more other students.

10 Bullying vs Play VOLUNTARY

11 2 types of Bullying DIRECT Face to face DIRECT and INDIRECT Verbal
Insults, putdowns, teasing, harassment Psychological Rolling eyes, dirty looks, uttering threats, extortion Physical Shoves, pushes, hitting, kicking, spitting, assault

12 INDIRECT Behind someone’s back Exclusion Leaving out or Shunning
Gossip Lowering people’s opinion about the victim Relational Aggression Telling people not to be friends with someone Creating hierarchy Getting another person to bully someone for you Cyber-bullying

13 What happens to bullies over time?
60% of boys who were bullies in middle school had at least one conviction by age 24 40% had three or more convictions Bullies were 4 times as likely as peers to have multiple convictions

14 If your not part of the problem you need to be part of the solution!!

15 What do YOU usually do when you see a student being bullied?
WHAT DO I DO? What do YOU usually do when you see a student being bullied? 38% Nothing, because it’s none of my business 27% I don’t do anything, but I think I should help 35% I try to help him or her

16 Who Can I Tell? Parent Relatives Teacher Counselor Principals
Office Staff Nurse Supervisors Friend

17 WHAT CAN I DO? Tell someone…get HELP Take action
Be with a friend or a group Make a joke of it Accept help Journal Remember… NO ONE can make you feel “less about yourself” without your permission!

18 What DOESN’T help… "Don't let it get to you"
"You just have to be tougher" “Just ignore it” “It can’t be that bad” “Just give it time, things will get better” “Did you hear what happened to…?”


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