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Have You Ever …… ignored fellow students? ignored fellow students? called others names? called others names? spread rumors? spread rumors? challenged others.

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Presentation on theme: "Have You Ever …… ignored fellow students? ignored fellow students? called others names? called others names? spread rumors? spread rumors? challenged others."— Presentation transcript:

1 Have You Ever …… ignored fellow students? ignored fellow students? called others names? called others names? spread rumors? spread rumors? challenged others to a fight? challenged others to a fight? teased others? teased others? tripped or pushed someone on purpose? tripped or pushed someone on purpose? taken someone else’s property without permission? taken someone else’s property without permission?

2 If so, you could be guilty of Bullying.

3 Take out a piece of paper and write down five characteristics of what a bully means to you.

4 Why do Students Bully? To gain power. To gain power. To get attention or become popular. To get attention or become popular. To get material things. To get material things. To act out problems at home. To act out problems at home. To copy another person they admire. To copy another person they admire.

5 Who is a Bully? A person who doesn’t care if bad things happen to other people. A person who doesn’t care if bad things happen to other people. A person who doesn’t feel bad when they hurt others. A person who doesn’t feel bad when they hurt others. A person who likes to get their own way. A person who likes to get their own way. A person who is bullied by others. A person who is bullied by others. A person who does not feel good about themselves. A person who does not feel good about themselves.

6 Ways Students Bully Physical Aggression – spitting, tripping, pushing, shoving, destroying property, or hitting Physical Aggression – spitting, tripping, pushing, shoving, destroying property, or hitting Social Alienation – gossiping, spreading rumors, ethnic or racial slurs, humiliating Social Alienation – gossiping, spreading rumors, ethnic or racial slurs, humiliating Verbal Aggression – name calling, teasing, mocking, verbal threats of aggression Verbal Aggression – name calling, teasing, mocking, verbal threats of aggression Intimidation – graffiti, making a public challenge, coercions Intimidation – graffiti, making a public challenge, coercions

7 How to Stop Bullying

8 1. Help Others It is the right thing to do and it will stop if many people stand up to the bully. Standing up to a bully can start with YOU.

9 2. Speak Out Bullies usually don’t want to talk out conflicts, but you should still let them know how you feel.

10 3. Ignore It Bullies want a reaction from you. If you don’t give it to them, they will find someone else who will react. Try to avoid bullies.

11 4. Get Adult Help Very Important! The adults at school are committed to stopping bullying. You are being strong when you get adult help because you are brave enough to take a stand against bullies.

12 5. Include Everyone Try to include everyone in your class. If you see someone who is often by him or herself, ask them to do something with you once in awhile.

13 Don’t Join In Bullies get more powerful when they are in groups. Don’t be a part of their actions. If your friend displays bullying behavior, consider what kind of a friend you want to have.


15 Don’t Bully! If you are bullying people, you need to ask yourself why you are doing it. It isn’t funny and shouldn’t be fun.

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