Our Constitutional Framework  The U.S. Constitution is the highest law of the land.  Sets forth basic framework of government.  Also, lists powers,

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Presentation on theme: "Our Constitutional Framework  The U.S. Constitution is the highest law of the land.  Sets forth basic framework of government.  Also, lists powers,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Constitutional Framework  The U.S. Constitution is the highest law of the land.  Sets forth basic framework of government.  Also, lists powers, the limits on powers, and the freedoms that cannot be taken away.

2 Our Constitutional Framework  Limited Government: Fundamental notion of Constitution. National government has limited power with regulation over only those rules in Article I of the Constitution.  Separation of Powers: Three branches of government. Meant to keep one branch from becoming too powerful.

3 Our Constitutional Framework  Statutes: These are laws. Passed only by the Legislative branch, or Congress.  Checks and Balances: The branches of government are independent, but have the ability to “check” or “balance” one another. In other words, keep them in their place.

4 Our Constitutional Framework  Veto: Presidential power aimed at “checking” the Legislature. A refusal to approve a law.  Judicial review: The Courts are allowed to determine the Constitutionality of a law. Another “check”.  Unconstitutional: A law the Courts have found to be against the Constitution.

5 Our Constitutional Framework  Federalism: The division of power between the Federal and State government.  Bill of Rights: The first 10 amendments to the Constitution. Guarantees fundamental rights of people. Religion, speech, press, bear arms…

6 The Bill of Rights  http://billofrightsinstitute.org/foundin g-documents/bill-of-rights/ http://billofrightsinstitute.org/foundin g-documents/bill-of-rights/

7 What principle?  Separation of Powers, Checks and Balances, Judicial review, federalism, combination?  A state law requires that a prayer be said each day in a public school. The courts rule that the law violates the First Amendment. Does it?  Congress passes a law requiring that Supreme Court sessions be televised.  Because a prison is very old and overcrowded, a state court orders the state legislature to spend $100 million on a new prison.

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