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CHAPTER 3 The Constitution. Section 1: Structure and Principles  A. Structure of the Constitution  Preamble  Seven (7) Articles  Twenty-seven (27)

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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER 3 The Constitution. Section 1: Structure and Principles  A. Structure of the Constitution  Preamble  Seven (7) Articles  Twenty-seven (27)"— Presentation transcript:

1 CHAPTER 3 The Constitution

2 Section 1: Structure and Principles  A. Structure of the Constitution  Preamble  Seven (7) Articles  Twenty-seven (27) Amendments

3 Section 1 (cont’d)  Six (6) Major Principles of the Constitution  Popular sovereignty  Federalism  Separation of powers  Checks and balances  Judicial review  Limited government

4 Section 2: The Three Branches  A. Legislative  Makes the laws  Made up of Congress  a 2 chamber body (bicameral) House of Representatives (435) & Senate (100)

5 Section 2 (cont’d)  B. Executive  Carries out the laws  Made up of the President & Vice President Also contains the Cabinet (15) & Executive Office of the President (EOP)

6 Section 2 (cont’d)  C. Judicial  Interprets the laws  Made up of the Supreme Court  Lower federal courts established by Congress

7 Section 3: Amending The Constitution  A. Proposing amendments  Two methods 2/3 of both houses of Congress vote to propose OR 2/3 of the states petition to call a constitutional convention

8 Chapter 3 (cont’d)  B. Ratifying Amendments  Two methods ¾ of state legislatures approve -OR- ¾ of special state conventions approve

9 Section 3 (cont’d)  C. Role of Congress in Amendment Process  Congress decides which ratification method will be used and how long states have to vote ~ usually 7 year limit.

10 Section 3 (cont’d)  D. Informal Changes to the Constitution  Changes through laws that have passed & Supreme Court Cases Example: taxes, citizenship  Practice & Custom Example: term limits, succession, political parties

11 Section 4: The Amendments  A. Bill of Rights  The 1 st ten amendments  Guarantee personal freedoms Examples: free press, bear arms, trials

12 Section 4 (cont’d)  B. Civil War Amendments  13 th, 14 th, 15 th amendments  Guarantee citizenship, end slavery

13 Section 4 (cont’d)  The later amendments  Amendments 16 – 27  Reflect changes in American society over time Example: women voting, 18 year old vote, term limits

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