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Andrea Chappell, University of Waterloo UW on iTunesU: Authorization.

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Presentation on theme: "Andrea Chappell, University of Waterloo UW on iTunesU: Authorization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Andrea Chappell, University of Waterloo UW on iTunesU: Authorization

2 CANHEIT | Power Through Collaboration | May 27-30, 2007 | UW on iTunes U – Authorization Set up UW interests in iTunes U Communication about UW –Guest lectures, interviews with community professionals –Tours of campus (Library, galleries, etc.) –What’s happening at UW Courses and training –Podcasts and enhanced podcasts for visual content –Assignment or topic “lead-ins” to arouse interest –Syndication (subscription) a desirable feature Field guides for courses with “field” components

3 CANHEIT | Power Through Collaboration | May 27-30, 2007 | UW on iTunes U – Authorization Set up UW Pilot Signed contracts with Apple in Fall 2006 Make available to interested parties Plan to learn from and with them Warn that this is just a pilot, no guarantees!

4 CANHEIT | Power Through Collaboration | May 27-30, 2007 | UW on iTunes U – Authorization Set up Beyond Public Access Public access is pretty easy. Restricted access desired for some applications, like courses. –Authentication (login to prove who you are) –Authorization (gaining access to areas based on “credentials”, such as member of class list) Also, different access levels for students, prof, TA –Students – download and subscribe –Professor, TA – upload and set-up area

5 CANHEIT | Power Through Collaboration | May 27-30, 2007 | UW on iTunes U – Authorization Set up The high level picture What you can access is determined by: –Access rights set on “UW at iTunes U” areas – Your “credentials” So, set the access rights and find a mechanism for setting credentials!

6 CANHEIT | Power Through Collaboration | May 27-30, 2007 | UW on iTunes U – Authorization Set up Start with the iTunes U scripts The iTunes U scripts Start iTunes on client, points to “UW on iTunes U” Tailor script for local login and to collect credentials for authorization. Accessing public areas … nothing else needed. Try to access restricted areas … script points to your authentication mechanism and collects your “credentials” for authorization

7 CANHEIT | Power Through Collaboration | May 27-30, 2007 | UW on iTunes U – Authorization Set up iTunes U access rights set-up Edit each "page" on "UW on iTunes U" to set access rights –E.g., "UWPilot" page available to authenticated users Edit each course to set access rights –E.g., S07MSCI211 course is available only to the MSCI211 summer 2007 instructor and class list –E.g., give instructor upload/edit, students download. Rights "cascade" from above, overridden below.

8 CANHEIT | Power Through Collaboration | May 27-30, 2007 | UW on iTunes U – Authorization Set up Waterloo AuthN and AuthZ At UW Authentication – points to AD login Authorization – credentials collection –At UW, two sources: AD Groups (query for groups in which you are a member) Internal “hard coding” of our modified start-up script for some special cases (like administrators). –Must generate all credentials at once. Script passes credentials through to iTunes U.

9 CANHEIT | Power Through Collaboration | May 27-30, 2007 | UW on iTunes U – Authorization Set up A tip! Instead of: we make heavy use of course “label”, ${IDENTIFIER}. Set the access permission once on the page level:${IDENTIFIER} … and because of inheritance, all students can be set to have default download only, likewise, instructors edit/upload. Ta-da!

10 CANHEIT | Power Through Collaboration | May 27-30, 2007 | UW on iTunes U – Authorization Set up UW Issues Class list groups in AD can be automated; need drops/adds automated too. Managing depopulating/decommissioning groups. How to add professor, TAs, observers? Still AD groups or iTunes U custom solution? Who can create groups (AD or other mechanism)? LMS linkages –How to archive and associate iTunes U content with course? Maybe not considered core part of course? –Merged course sections … how to handle?

11 CANHEIT | Power Through Collaboration | May 27-30, 2007 | UW on iTunes U – Authorization Set up Things to think about Is authorization important? –If mostly public access, probably not! –If so, how will you create the credentials? –Issues for managing credential groups (who can?, lots of maintenance). –If mostly for courses, is LMS authZ a better solution? UW in the midst of Access and Identity Management project –Campus AIM directions? –iTunes U fit into AIM directions?

12 CANHEIT | Power Through Collaboration | May 27-30, 2007 | UW on iTunes U – Authorization Set up How to move ahead with AuthZ MacLearning webcast from 28 March 2007 –Examples from universities (Banner & SQL db, Banner & AD, and Apple engineer) Collaborate! –Stay in touch about how you are approaching credential solutions, and “tips” for the rest of us. –

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