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Now You Are Ready to Start Your Science Project. Due Date If you haven’t already, START TODAY! Projects are due the end of January. You must turn in a.

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Presentation on theme: "Now You Are Ready to Start Your Science Project. Due Date If you haven’t already, START TODAY! Projects are due the end of January. You must turn in a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Now You Are Ready to Start Your Science Project

2 Due Date If you haven’t already, START TODAY! Projects are due the end of January. You must turn in a VISUAL (PowerPoint, and a REPORT (typed paper). LATE PROJECTS ARE NOT ACCEPTED – you will receive a ZERO (10% of your grade for 3 rd term) if not turned in.

3 Reminders As you do your experiment, keep a notebook with your data. Write your actual materials and the steps of your project. This should be detailed enough that I could duplicate your experiment by reading your procedures. Repeat your ENTIRE experiment 3 times and record data each time.

4 Collecting Data Collect data on all 3 trials and record it in a notebook. Then average the data and graph the average on a bar or line graph. If you need graph paper ask your teacher. We will spend one day in class making PowerPoint's for your presentation. Don’t just show your results, write an explanation of them.

5 Research Report Should be 4-7 pages typed. Should use Roman numerals and headings. Give your project a catchy title. Include a page with data tables and graphs (pictures can be helpful). Use the information from your proposal as a start to your research paper.

6 Research Report I will provided a handout after Thanksgiving that will give specific details about your report. We will spend time in class with computers to begin to type your report.

7 Conclusion Your conclusion should be based on your results and should be a minimum of 7-15 sentences (2-4 paragraphs). It should answer these questions: Why are your results important? What did you learn from your experiment? Was your hypothesis correct or incorrect? What problems did you have? What would you do differently? What did you like about your experiment? How can you continue to learn about your topic in future experiments?

8 Visual This will be a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation. It must be able to be SEEN from the back of the classroom (don’t use tiny writing or small pictures). You can also bring all or part of your experiment to demonstrate.

9 Oral Presentation This is a 4 to 7 minute presentation where you share with the class what you learned from your experiment. Don’t just read your report or PowerPoint! Make eye contact and be creative and interesting. Be organized and practice what you will say ahead of time. Use index cards if you need to. Be ready to answer questions about your project at the end of your presentation.

10 Bibliography A Bibliography is a list of where you got your background information. It includes author, title, publisher, year published, edition, date accessed, and complete web address. A web address by itself is NOT a bibliography. These are NOT bibliographies, they are search engines: A complete bibliography looks like this: Rhodes, Calvin. “Kansas City District Aggregate Program.” 14 Nov. 2004. (12- 4-07) The bibliography page is a separate page at the END of your report.

11 To enter the science fair you must have a tri-fold display board, data notebook, report, and abstract. You don’t have to enter the science fair but you can earn extra credit and win prizes if you do enter the fair. ENTERING YOUR PROJECT IN THE SCIENCE FAIR

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