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Do now! Can you stick the sheet in please? Can you also write in your planners that homework is to finish the sheet for Friday 26 th March.

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Presentation on theme: "Do now! Can you stick the sheet in please? Can you also write in your planners that homework is to finish the sheet for Friday 26 th March."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do now! Can you stick the sheet in please? Can you also write in your planners that homework is to finish the sheet for Friday 26 th March

2 Last lesson What are microbes Relative sizes of different microbes

3 The seven life processes Can you copy the table on page 28? Can you then read the page and answer the questions? Mrs Gren

4 Sizes 1 mm = 1/1000 m = 0.001m

5 Sizes 1 μm = 1/1000000 m = 0.000001m

6 Sizes 1 nm = 1/1000000000 m = 0.000000001m

7 Comparing sizes of microbes Can you stick the sheet “Microbial world” into your book and complete it? We’ll do this next lesson as Mr Porter has managed to book the computer room this lesson.

8 Today’s lesson Causes, symptoms and spread of different diseases

9 Common Cold

10 Cold sores (Herpes)

11 Smallpox

12 Mumps

13 Measles

14 Leprosy

15 Elephantiasis

16 Diseases DiseaseCause (Virus/bacteria/ other SymptomsHow is it spread/caught? Cure?



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