Leaders in Asset Management Chapter Leadership September 30, 2011 1 Ivonne Bachar Patrice Baker Cinda Brockman Jessica Dzara Bob Kaehler Teri Luhmann Bob.

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Presentation on theme: "Leaders in Asset Management Chapter Leadership September 30, 2011 1 Ivonne Bachar Patrice Baker Cinda Brockman Jessica Dzara Bob Kaehler Teri Luhmann Bob."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leaders in Asset Management Chapter Leadership September 30, 2011 1 Ivonne Bachar Patrice Baker Cinda Brockman Jessica Dzara Bob Kaehler Teri Luhmann Bob Mahaney Brian Thompson Marla Williams Presented by:

2 Leaders in Asset Management Ivonne Bachar  CPPM CF  Bay Area Chapter  VP of Membership

3 Leaders in Asset Management Agenda  Benefits of Chapter Leadership  Chapter Position Requirements  New Officer Transition  Resources Available 3

4 Leaders in Asset Management Benefits of Chapter Leadership

5 Leaders in Asset Management Why be a Chapter leader?  Personal professional development  Increased networking opportunities  Opportunity to help others grow  Guide the future of your Chapter  Be the first to know what’s new  Increased ability to show management the value of NPMA membership  Preparation for future Region and National positions 5

6 Leaders in Asset Management Bob Kaehler  CPPS  Bay Area Chapter President

7 Leaders in Asset Management Chapter Positions

8 Leaders in Asset Management Chapter President  Position Description The Chapter President is elected by the members  In accordance with the National Constitution and Chapter Bylaws  Responsible and accountable to the National Executive Board for the operation and activities of the chapter  Authority Chief Executive Officer of the Chapter Chairs Executive Board and membership meetings 8

9 Leaders in Asset Management Chapter President Duties and Responsibilities The Chapter President has the following duties and responsibilities:  Management and timely performance of all Chapter activities Advance detailed programming, planning and budgeting of all Chapter activities Surveillance of expenditures of Chapter funds Implementation of all policies formally handed down from the Regional and National levels 9

10 Leaders in Asset Management Chapter President Duties and Responsibilities (Continued)  Implementation of policies approved by the Chapter Executive Board  Ensure that the Chapter is represented at all National Board Meetings  Ensure that the Chapter is represented at all Regional Board of Directors’ Meetings  If applicable, appoint two Chapter Proctors  Appoint a nominating committee for election of Chapter Officers  Appoint a web master 10

11 Leaders in Asset Management Chapter President Helpful Skills and Knowledge  Enthusiasm!  Ideas  Excellent organizational skills  Experience running meetings  Ability to communicate effectively at all levels  Ability to delegate  Recommended that you have held a Chapter Office before 11

12 Leaders in Asset Management Chapter President Minimum Time Commitment  Officer Transition Meeting  Chapter Executive Board Meetings  Chapter Meetings Planning (Program, Speakers, Location)  Special Programs (Optional) Planning (Program, Speakers, Location) 12

13 Leaders in Asset Management Marla Williams  CPPM  Federal Center Chapter Vice President

14 Leaders in Asset Management Chapter Vice President Position Description  The Vice President is elected by the members of the Chapter In accordance with the National Constitution and Bylaws and Chapter Bylaws Is responsible and accountable to the Chapter President.  Chapters may decide to establish more than one Vice President The Chapter Bylaws will outline specific responsibilities. Authority  The Vice President is second in command of the Chapter In the absence or incapacity of the President, the Chapter Vice President shall automatically assume authority, duties and responsibilities of the President and shall have such other authority as may be delegated by the Chapter President 14

15 Leaders in Asset Management Chapter Vice President Duties and Responsibilities As Delegated by the President and Bylaws, the Vice President has the following duties and responsibilities:  Fulfill the line position of supervisor of Chapter Committee Chairperson  Compliance with the Chapter President’s performance requirements and instructions  Coordination of intra-committee activities  Provide staff assistance to the Chapter President 15

16 Leaders in Asset Management Chapter Vice President Helpful Skills and Knowledge  Enthusiasm!  Excellent organizational skills  Experience running meetings  Ability to communicate effectively at all levels  Ability to step in the President’s role in their absence 16

17 Leaders in Asset Management Chapter Vice President Minimum Time Commitment  Officer Transition Meeting  Chapter Executive Board Meetings  Attend Chapter Meetings  Other duties as specified by the Chapter President 17

18 Leaders in Asset Management Patrice Baker  CPPM CF  Oregon Trail Chapter National Delegate  VP of Administration

19 Leaders in Asset Management Chapter Secretary Position Description The Chapter Secretary is elected by the members of the Chapter in accordance with the Bylaws is responsible and accountable to the Chapter President Authority The Chapter Secretary is empowered and authorized to  maintain the official records of all Chapter activities except for financial affairs In the absence or incapacity of the Chapter President and Chapter Vice President, the Chapter Secretary may assume authority, duties and responsibilities of the Chapter President 19

20 Leaders in Asset Management Chapter Secretary Duties and Responsibilities Maintain the official records of the Chapter including:  Minutes of Chapter Executive Board Meetings  Minutes of each Chapter membership meeting  Each official report of the Chapter  Current Chapter roster of members  Current guest and prospects lists, as directed  Property records of Chapter assets  Provide content to update Website (meeting minutes, etc.) 20

21 Leaders in Asset Management Chapter Secretary Helpful Skills and Knowledge  Excellent organizational and listening skills  Ability to communicate effectively through writing  Basic knowledge of Word, Excel and Outlook 21

22 Leaders in Asset Management Chapter Secretary Minimum Time Commitment  Officer Transition Meeting  Chapter Executive Board Meetings Write and distribute meeting notes  Chapter Meetings Send out invites and collect RSVPs Write and distribute meeting notes  Maintain Chapter Roster 22

23 Leaders in Asset Management Teri Luhmann  CPPM  Shuttle Chapter  ER Director of Membership

24 Leaders in Asset Management Chapter Treasurer Position Description The Chapter Treasurer is elected by members of the Chapter:  in accordance with the Bylaws  is accountable to the Chapter President  is entrusted with the custody of funds for the Chapter Authority  The Treasurer is empowered and authorized to maintain official records of the Chapter’s financial activities 24

25 Leaders in Asset Management Chapter Treasurer Duties and Responsibilities Subject to the Chapter Bylaws, and to delegation by the Chapter President, the Treasurer will have the following duties and responsibilities:  Be the custodian of all funds  Establish and maintain a bank account in the name of the NPMA Chapter  Ensure that records of all income and expenses are maintained 25

26 Leaders in Asset Management Chapter Treasurer Duties and Responsibilities (Continued)  Prepare and present the current Treasurer’s report at all Chapter meetings  Copies should be given to the President and the Secretary and one copy placed in the Treasurer’s file  Develop the financial budget for the operation of the Chapter for the year (to be presented in accordance with the Chapter Bylaws)  Project the financial growth and other significant financial developments (to be presented at the annual meeting) 26

27 Leaders in Asset Management Chapter Treasurer Note: The Bylaws should state whether or not the Treasurer should be bonded (and if so, for what amount), and which officers should be authorized to sign checks including the number of signatures required on the checks. 27

28 Leaders in Asset Management Chapter Treasurer Helpful Skills and Knowledge  Basic knowledge of Excel  Excellent organizational skills  Basic understanding of finances  Ability to create and maintain a budget 28

29 Leaders in Asset Management Chapter Treasurer Minimum Time Commitment  Officer Transition Meeting  Chapter Executive Board Meetings  Chapter Meetings Present financial report  Collect expense receipts and distribute reimbursements in a timely manner  Prepare annual financial report 29

30 Leaders in Asset Management Cinda Brockman  CPPM CF  San Diego Mission Chapter National Delegate  WR Director of Membership

31 Leaders in Asset Management National Delegate Position Description  In accordance with the National Constitution and Bylaws, Region and Chapter Bylaws, the Chapter membership elects the National Delegate(s). The Delegates convey to the National Board of Delegates meeting the individual votes of the members of the Chapters for the offices of President and Executive Vice President. Delegates represent the collective direction of their Chapter regarding matters provided to them sixty (60) days in advance of the meeting or other matters that may come before the National Board of Delegates. Authority  An elected National Delegate has such authority to perform as is set forth in the National Constitution and Bylaws, Region and Chapter Bylaws. 31

32 Leaders in Asset Management National Delegate Duties and Responsibilities The following specific duties and responsibilities of the National Delegate have been defined. This list is not intended to be all- inclusive.  Convey to the National Board Meeting the individual vote of the Chapters for the offices of President and Executive Vice President biannually.  Represent, by voting, the collective direction of their Chapter regarding matters provided to them sixty (60) days in advance of the National Board of Delegates Meeting, or any other matters that come before the board during the meeting. 32

33 Leaders in Asset Management National Delegate Duties and Responsibilities (Continued)  Report to the Chapter, in detail, the deliberations of the National Board of Delegates Meeting.  Convey to the Region Board of Directors the individual votes of Chapter members on topics that come before the Board.  Report in detail to the Chapter the deliberations of the Region Board of Directors’ Meetings. 33

34 Leaders in Asset Management National Delegate Helpful Skills and Knowledge  Ability to travel twice annually  Effective verbal communication skills  Effective listening skills  Basic knowledge Robert’s Rules of Order  Ability to represent Chapter on issues important to them 34

35 Leaders in Asset Management National Delegate Minimum Time Commitment  Officer Transition Meeting  National Board of Delegates Meetings  Travel to and attend two board meetings per year (or send proxy) National Education Seminar Region Conference Series Event  Chapter Meetings Present Delegates report twice annually 35

36 Leaders in Asset Management Bob Mahaney  CPPS  Houston Lone Star Chapter President  UCNP SIG Vice Chair

37 Leaders in Asset Management Transition of Officers

38 Leaders in Asset Management Transition of Officers  New officers and the existing officers need to meet Discuss the transition of responsibilities and activities Discuss inherent duties to be transitioned Minimize any impact to the Chapter 38

39 Leaders in Asset Management Officer Transition Checklist  Hold a transition meeting.  Transfer existing Chapter files and records to the new officers.  Send list of new Chapter officers to the Region Vice President and the NPMA National Office.  Transfer signature authority of financial accounts by completion of bank signature authority cards for each account.  Send a Financial Report to the Region Treasurer and to the NPMA National Office (Executive Director).  Establish new financial books for the upcoming year.  Ensure financial review of past year’s financial books are conducted.  Be available to serve as a mentor. 39

40 Leaders in Asset Management Ivonne Bachar  CPPM CF  Bay Area Chapter  VP of Membership

41 Leaders in Asset Management Resources

42 Leaders in Asset Management Resources Available  Your peers and other Chapters  Chapter toolkit  Region Officers, National Officers and Directors  Monthly Chapter presentations  NPMA website 42

43 Leaders in Asset Management Leadership Training Course  Free online course will available in January  Topics overview: Getting started with your new position Chapter programs and meetings Conducting meetings and events Program and special event planning Membership Managing finances Communications Representing your chapter Developing leaders Obtaining assistance Requirements and reports 43

44 Leaders in Asset Management Brian Thompson  CPPM CF  Los Angeles Chapter  VP of Marketing and Communications

45 Leaders in Asset Management Questions?

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