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Cataloging and Metadata at the University Library.

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1 Cataloging and Metadata at the University Library

2 Units for cataloging and metadata  Technical Services—220 Library  Cataloging units in several other departments for special formats and languages  Coordinated by Cataloging Working Group; Qiang Jin is Senior Coordinating Cataloger and chair of CWG  CWG meets every month or two and also communicates via a discussion list and website

3 Content Access Management (Central Cataloging and Metadata)  Located in 220 Library  6 librarians, 4 academic professionals, 22 senior staff with cataloging experience, 4 graduate assistants, 4 hourly student employees, other project-based part-time employees  Catalog monographs, serials (print and electronic), some media, and electronic resources  Processes more than 50,000 items per year

4 Cataloging web page

5 Monographic Cataloging  Performs all cataloging except cataloging on receipt, which is done in Acquisitions  All titles are cataloged in OCLC  In this unit all titles classified by Dewey Decimal Classification (with a number of local modifications adopted decades ago)  Copy catalogers work mainly in our local system, Voyager—add holdings and item records  Original catalogers upgrade or enter records in OCLC and then export them into Voyager

6 Authority work  Voyager validates headings—a check on whether we’re using the correct form  If a heading doesn’t validate, we check the authority file in OCLC  4 original catalogers are active in NACO and add authority records to the national database--NACO stands for Name Authorities Cooperative Program; part of PCC (Program for Cooperative Cataloging)  New authority records are regularly added to Voyager by our consortium, CARLI

7 Catalog maintenance  4 staff members work on catalog maintenance in addition to doing copy cataloging; original catalogers sometimes correct variant forms of names too  Receive requests from public service librarians and occasionally from users for corrections to records  Call numbers can also be changed  A bibliographic maintenance group is looking into ways to make extensive changes

8 Serials Cataloging  1 academic professional, 5 staff, hourly employees  Work with print and electronic versions of serials  Update Voyager and Online Research Resources Database  Copy and original cataloging in this area too  Holdings maintenance and dealing with title changes—big part of serials cataloging

9 Electronic Resources  Both electronic journals and electronic books can be found in the Library OPAC  Records for electronic journals link to our electronic resource management system, called ORR, which then links to full-text articles or databases  Records for e-books lead directly to the resource. Most records have been added with a batch loading process, but we have begun to add some individually, and this will increase

10 Metadata  A new area for this department, although digitization projects have been going on for at least ten years (Kolb-Proust Archives, European Emblem books)  1 librarian working on projects for Illinois Harvest and Open Content Alliance  State-funded project (not part of Google)  Examples in the fields of chemistry, engineering, history and library science  Providing collection level and item level metadata  Dublin Core is used at present

11 More information on mass digitization projects at the UIUC Library General questions on Cataloging Gail Hueting

12 Illinois Newspaper Project  Located in 220 Library but not part of Cataloging  Grant-funded, part of U.S. Newspaper Project; will be finishing this month  Catalogs and preserves American newspapers held in Illinois libraries (all over the state)

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