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the Americas/Migración en Américas Newsletter on Migration in the Americas Migration and Development Program (M i DE)

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Presentation on theme: "the Americas/Migración en Américas Newsletter on Migration in the Americas Migration and Development Program (M i DE)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Migration @ the Americas/Migración en l@s Américas Newsletter on Migration in the Americas Migration and Development Program (M i DE)

2 Migration @ Americas / Migracion en l@s Americas Objectives: To provide the OAS member states, through the missions, with timely reports on highlights of migration-related news and events in the Hemisphere. To provide updates on the latest news in the area of protection and promotion of the human rights of migrants. To exchange best practices. To improve regional understanding and awareness about the migration phenomenon.

3 Mandates Mandate of the Special Committee on Migration Issues: Mandates To examine migration issues with a view to promoting international cooperation, taking into consideration the political, social, economic, cultural, integration, security, labor, and regulatory aspects, and any other aspect considered pertinent. Inter-American Program for the Promotion and Protection of the Human Rights of Migrants, Including Migrant Workers and their Families Specific Objectives The promotion of a more effective information exchange on migration- related legislation and policies. Education and promotion of information on human rights, migrant rights and obligations, and of legal means of migration and access to social services.

4 The proposal is for the newsletter to be distributed monthly by e-mail, to: - Permanent representatives of OAS member states on the Special Committee on Migration Issues. - Permanent representatives of OAS member states on the Committee on Juridical and Political Affairs. - Correspondents of the Continuous Labor Migration Reporting System for the Americas (SICREMI). Distribution List and Frequency

5 Executing body: The Migration and Development Program of the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development will be responsible for preparing, implementing, and distributing the Migration @ The Americas/Migración en l@s Américas Newsletter. Frequency of Publication – The Newsletter will be published monthly. Financing – This project will be undertaken thanks to financial assistance from the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), which has already disbursed its contributions for the initiative.

6 The news sources are identified through a news alert system similar to the one used by the OAS Press Department. News items to appear in the Newsletter will be selected based on their informational value. An effort will be made to include in each issue news related to or originating from the different subregions of the Hemisphere. News from other regions of the world will be included when related to international migration from Latin America and the Caribbean. The news items in the Newsletter will be presented in the original text and source language. Identification of online sources and criteria for news selection CP23243E

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