Soul City Evaluation of a Gender Violence campaign Dr Shereen Usdin, MD, MPH Soul City Evaluation of a Gender Violence campaign Dr Shereen Usdin, MD, MPH.

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Presentation on theme: "Soul City Evaluation of a Gender Violence campaign Dr Shereen Usdin, MD, MPH Soul City Evaluation of a Gender Violence campaign Dr Shereen Usdin, MD, MPH."— Presentation transcript:

1 Soul City Evaluation of a Gender Violence campaign Dr Shereen Usdin, MD, MPH Soul City Evaluation of a Gender Violence campaign Dr Shereen Usdin, MD, MPH

2 Soul City Institute for Health and Development Communication South African NGO Working also in 8 SADC countries Harnesses power of mass media for social change Uses edu-tainment methodology South African NGO Working also in 8 SADC countries Harnesses power of mass media for social change Uses edu-tainment methodology

3 Sociopolitical community individual environment Social Change

4 Impact at individual level –Increase awareness and knowledge –Change attitudes + shift social norms –Increase self-efficacy; –Increase information-seeking and support-seeking behavior –change intention + actual behavior –Increase awareness and knowledge –Change attitudes + shift social norms –Increase self-efficacy; –Increase information-seeking and support-seeking behavior –change intention + actual behavior

5 Impact at community level –Linking to services –Stimulating community action –Changing social norms –Promoting support-giving behavior, –Stimulating interpersonal dialogue and debate –Linking to services –Stimulating community action –Changing social norms –Promoting support-giving behavior, –Stimulating interpersonal dialogue and debate

6 Impact socio - political environment –Ensure the speedy and effective implementation of the domestic violence act (DVA)

7 A multi pronged strategy Prime time TV drama Prime time radio drama Booklets (national distribution) Prime time TV drama Prime time radio drama Booklets (national distribution)

8 Partnership with the National Network on VAW Helpline Referral network Social mobilisation Partnership with the National Network on VAW Helpline Referral network Social mobilisation

9 Advocacy campaign To speed up the effective implementation of the DVA Lobby, social mobilization and media advocacy To speed up the effective implementation of the DVA Lobby, social mobilization and media advocacy

10 The Promo

11 Study Design Individual 1. National Survey Community Society 2. Sentinel Site Studies 5. Media Monitoring and Analysis 4. NNVAW Partnership Study 6. Cost – Effectiveness Study 3. (National) Qualitative Impact Assessment

12 Reach Reached over 79% of target population More than 16,2 million youth + adults –79% of 16-24 year olds –75% of urbanites –68% of rural dwellers –50% of those with no schooling Reached over 79% of target population More than 16,2 million youth + adults –79% of 16-24 year olds –75% of urbanites –68% of rural dwellers –50% of those with no schooling

13 Soul City influenced us to organize the march….emotions were high "There were pressures [to implement the DVA], from occasions where people held marches and stuff like that. a lot of articles [on domestic violence and the DVA] started to appear … they create expectations in the community which makes the government deliver…. The DVA was implemented one month after the campaign

14 4 361 articles in 280 print publications and electronic media dealt with VAW 43% covered Domestic Violence 1 in 5 items directly referred to Soul City or the NNVAW Analysis of press coverage




18 It made me to be able to determine where my life is going and what path I am choosing for myself,…it has taught me that I should not depend on a man, I should learn to stand on my own and think for myself….I have rights. [urban female] Individual level – association with self-efficacy / empowerment

19 Since I have started watching Soul City I have realised that I am an abuser. I did not think about it before but they have made me to see myself as an abuser. I have tried to change and it is not that easy, but at least because I have that picture of abuse in my mind, whenever I think of doing it, that comes to mind and I would stop. Awareness/attitude change

20 National Survey Multivariate Logistic Regression Analysis of VAW Attitude Scale Cronbach alpha = 0.55 Significant differences at p<.01** and p<.05* ** ** ** * ** The Soul City 4 intervention is significantly associated with strong change in attitudes towards VAW. 1 2.6 3 1.6 4.5 1.8 0 1 2 3 4 5 OR No SC exposure High SC TV High SC Radio High SC Print High SC multi- media NNVAW exposure VAW - likelihood of positive attitudes, associated with Soul City 4 intervention

21 Association with positive behaviour did something to stop DV –9% with no exposure –12% ; 14 and 16% with 1;2;3 sources of SC exposure did something to stop DV –9% with no exposure –12% ; 14 and 16% with 1;2;3 sources of SC exposure

22 National Survey Binary Logistic Analysis Connecting people to help


24 20 000 calls answered (< 5% of calls made)

25 National Survey Binary Logistic Regression Analysis Community Level 17 36 39 51 0 20 40 60 % No SC1 source of SC 2 sources of SC 3 sources of SC Talked about DV in the past 6-7 months? "Yes"

26 Decreased negative social pressure 0 5 10 15 20 25 BaselineEvaluation Percentage Violence is a private matter Abused women are expected to put up with it A man has the right to beat his wife




30 Cost effectiveness? Cost per person reached: –TV $0.12 –Radio $0.01 –Print$0.07 Cost per additional VAW knowledge gained –$0.16 Cost per positive attitude change –$0.22 Cost per positive VAW action taken -$6.92 Cost per person reached: –TV $0.12 –Radio $0.01 –Print$0.07 Cost per additional VAW knowledge gained –$0.16 Cost per positive attitude change –$0.22 Cost per positive VAW action taken -$6.92

31 Lessons learned Partnerships are hard work, politicized, need nurturing Social change is complex process –Need multiple strategies in synergy One mass medium is good; more is better (dose response) Edutainment can be a powerful social change vehicle Partnerships are hard work, politicized, need nurturing Social change is complex process –Need multiple strategies in synergy One mass medium is good; more is better (dose response) Edutainment can be a powerful social change vehicle

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