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Southampton University Research e-Prints- a growing archive Health Care Innovation Unit 16 Dec 2004 Jessie Hey Southampton University.

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Presentation on theme: "Southampton University Research e-Prints- a growing archive Health Care Innovation Unit 16 Dec 2004 Jessie Hey Southampton University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Southampton University Research e-Prints- a growing archive Health Care Innovation Unit 16 Dec 2004 Jessie Hey Southampton University Library and School of Electronics and Computer Science

2 In an ideal world of scholarly communication – all research is freely available June 27 th 2004 10 th anniversary of Stevan Harnads Subversive Proposal leading to the open access vision for scholarly material See also Harnad, S. and Hey, J. M. N. (1995) Esoteric Knowledge: the Scholar and Scholarly Publishing on the Net. In Proceedings of Networking and the Future of Libraries 2: Managing the Intellectual Record, Proceedings of an International Conference, Bath, 19-21 April 1995, 110-16. Dempsey, L., Law, D. and Mowlat, I., Eds. Even the work of researchers in our own institution is often unavailable to us

3 Southampton influences Original EPrints software created at Southampton to enable the vision - now used by over 150 institutions worldwide – spawned other software choices Some Soton departments have culture of deposit (but not all OAI compliant and searchable together) Electronics and Computer Science use the software for school publications database – now a sustainable repository (will be incorporated in e-Prints Soton)

4 Advertising research – by web site and screen at entrance

5 An Institutional Research Repository for Southampton Institutional Repository for Research set up (e-Prints Soton) Southampton University Research e-Prints - working closely with schools TARDis: Feeding back into EPrints software good citation and information management practice experimenting with best balance of assisted deposit has capacity for adding full text (e-Prints) if available –Electronic copies of any research output e.g. journal articles, book chapters, conference papers even multimedia

6 Southamptons Institutional Repository is for all research

7 Service for deposit checking and additional information

8 Reporting on University practices and needs Hey, Jessie M.N. (2004) An environmental assessment of research publication activity and related factors impacting the development of an Institutional e-Print Repository at the University of Southampton. Southampton, UK, University of Southampton, 19pp. (TARDis Project Report, D 3.1.2) With much support from Natasha Lucas who has since provided invaluable assisted deposit support See also TARDis article in Ariadne

9 Sampling of faculty websites – assessing current practice

10 Feedback: Perceived benefits to University, Schools and Researchers Secure storage of publications –including also theses and dissertations, technical reports Links to projects and web pages Research reporting Interdisciplinary research University profile School and discipline visibility Researcher profile Full text content freely accessible link to learning and teaching Increased citations Articles freely available online are more highly cited. For greater impact and faster scientific progress, authors and publishers should aim to make research easy to access Nature, Volume 411, Number 6837, p. 521, 2001 Steve Lawrence Online or Invisible?

11 Real benefit of adding a link to your web page – auto update

12 Benefit of high profile of e-Prints Soton – Google and Google Scholar ………..

13 Just testing HCIU

14 e-Prints Soton evolution Original intent to provide secure storage for the full text of Southampton research output (e-Print Archive including post refereed pre published versions of papers deposited by researchers) Feedback: maximum benefit if the exercise also assisted researchers with time consuming research reporting tasks: Research Assessment (RAE), University Research Report, web pages, research proposals, CVs etc Evolved to hybrid publications database for all research output with full text where available

15 e-Prints Soton evolution: aiming for full moon at midnight

16 Achieving a slower but more sustainable model To achieve the original vision we are moving around the clock face Collaborating with academics to provide tailored valued services for different disciplines Aided by a fast moving shared international movement All rising to great place is by a winding stair Francis Bacon

17 Developing archive for sustainability Will be central to research recording and visibility for all disciplines Working to integrate as well as possible into the research recording workflow Working to incorporate UK research assessment data 2000- Initial support included for legacy import depending on availability of previous records Goal: author (or close academic group) self deposit (plus some assisted central support where needed) for new records with full text deposit where practicable

18 Copyright issues diminishing Common e-Print deposit: Postprint = postrefereed pre-journal version We provide link to published version for joined up picture

19 Publisher policy check – a shared service

20 Next phase includes shared preservation services Act of creating database anticipates future preservation decisions Gained valuable practical experience with IR usage but shared services useful for common problems PRESERV (Preservation Services for EPrints) - part of new £1m UK JISC funding – partnering with National Archives File Format Registry (PRONOM) and the British Library

21 Transition to University integrated service – shared ownership University management (agreed Nov 2004) will support the next stage of a library managed repository for key role in research recording and visibility tasks Proposal submitted by University Librarian Praise for collaborative approach with schools Collaboration with Information Systems Services and School of Electronics and Computer Science will continue although TARDis will complete its transition to invisibility early in 2005

22 Press Release 15 Dec 2004 'We see our Institutional Repository as a key tool for the stewardship of the University's digital research assets,' said Professor Paul Curran, Deputy Vice- Chancellor of the University. 'It will provide greater access to our research, as well as offering a valuable mechanism for reporting and recording it.

23 RAE management potential

24 Select your RAE choices

25 Add measures of esteem

26 Data available to Head of School

27 Interactions with MHLS

28 HCIU – how do you want to proceed? Start New Years resolutions Add new documents as they are produced – add full text wherever you can Check copyright – can also ask to keep How can you best represent your work as a whole? What would you like to achieve? Do you need an editor? Do some people need an alert? Do you have a publications person? What export will you want to use for HCIU and individuals?

29 Southampton University Research e-Prints – growing to help you Thank you, Jessie Hey ( Southampton University Research e-Prints seen by team Pauline Simpson – TARDis project manager Natasha Lucas – survey and assisted support Liaison Librarians and other contacts as database grows

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