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Institutional Repositories an opportunity for IAMSLIC Pauline Simpson Southampton Oceanography Centre, University of Southampton, UK

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Presentation on theme: "Institutional Repositories an opportunity for IAMSLIC Pauline Simpson Southampton Oceanography Centre, University of Southampton, UK"— Presentation transcript:

1 Institutional Repositories an opportunity for IAMSLIC Pauline Simpson Southampton Oceanography Centre, University of Southampton, UK

2 IAMSLIC Marine Science Cross Archive Search Service? Outline proposal (simplistic!) IAMSLIC members implement institutional e-Print archives OAI registration IAMSLIC set up cross archive search service Harvest members metadata provide search engine and interface IAMSLIC Marine Science Aggregator We can do it ! Precedent IAMSLIC Z39.50 Distributed Library LAST YEAR

3 e-Print archives can provide free open access to the worlds research literature Who Benefits? Researchers profile Evidence of increased citation rate (Lawrence Nature Webdebates) Institutions profile visibility Library profile Embedded in research process Developing Nations

4 e-Prints : variable definitions Subject based archives - original scope : Peer-reviewed articles Institutional repositories – whole spectrum of interpretations –Broad output – research + learning + datasets + multimedia + internal admin documents etc (MIT) –Southampton e-Prints are electronic copies of any research output (journal article, book section, conference paper, technical report, image etc.) –preprints – unpublished papers before they are refereed –postprints – papers after they have been refereed

5 What are Open archives? Electronic repository of e-Prints, usually internet based for free access and dissemination Both Institutional and discipline based archives that allow public access to content and employ the Open Archive Initiative Metadata Harvesting Protocol nb. e-Print archives non OAI registered but still open

6 The OAI defines two participants Data Providers adopt the OAI technical framework as a means of exposing metadata about their content (held in repositories) –OAI conformant –OAI registered –OAI namespace-registered Service Providers harvest metadata from Data Providers using the OAI protocol and use the metadata as the basis for value added services Conceptually different but in reality Data Providers can offer both a service directly to users and also metadata for automated harvesters data providers need to offer value added services as well

7 OAI Archive Model Author Open Repositories Data Providers Value-added Services Service Providers Reader Institutional Servers Disciplinary Servers Journals (e.g., PLoS model) Interoperability Standards Workflow Applications Integrated scholarly communities Search tools OAI-PMH IAMSLIC IAMSLIC Members OAI main contribution is Metadata Harvesting Protocol

8 e-Prints software emerging GNU Eprints – University of Southampton DSpace -Joint project of MIT Libraries and Hewlett Packard Company (Nov 2002) CDSWare – CERN Document Server software ARNO – Academic Research in the Netherlands Online, Tilburg, Amsterdam, Twente bPress – Univ California (eScholarship) http://www, Other own software (arXiv, Max Planck etc)

9 CogPrints (GNU EPrints) 1600 Records www.orgprints. org (GNU EPrints) 264 Records arXiv (custom software) 230,000 Records D-Space @ MIT (D-Space Software) 769 Records Harvester #1 (Psychology Service) 500 Cogprints 169 D-Space Harvester #2 (Physics Aggregator) 150,000 arXiv 162 D-Space Harvester #3 (General Service) 230,000 arXiv 769 D-Space 264 OrgPrints 1600 CogPrints 150,162 Improved records from physics aggregator Institutional repositories

10 IAMSLIC Marine Science e-Print Service Marine Science Institutional e-Print repositories IAMSLIC Marine Science e-Print Service Harvester (General) Regional e-Print Repository Odin Africa ArXiv (Atmos & Oceanic Physics) User searching OAI-PMH

11 Service provider - find the pearls 01 Oct - 203



14 Benefits of an Institutional Repository Provides Institutional information asset management Defines Institutional sources of research Identifies Institutions value to funding sources Raises the profile of the Institution Institutional research more visible, more impact and available in electronic form – cited more (Lawrence: Nature) Contributes to national and global initiatives which will ensure an international audience for Institutions latest research. (Other universities are developing their own archives which, together, will be searchable by global search tools) Libraries can take a lead role – raises profile

15 IAMSLIC Marine e-Print Archive – another model IAMSLIC e-Print Archive / Service Provider Harvester (General) ArXiv (Atmos & Oceanic Physics) User searching Marine Science Institutions deposit into IAMSLIC archive Individual Marine Science Repositories OAI-PMH



18 What you need to do to set up an Institutional Repository Policy decisions –Scope –Who can contribute –One repository or individual – structure or media type Software Server IT Skills Library Support Configuration –software – look and feel –Metadata for each document type –Mandatory fields –File formats –Subject hierarchies –Quality control OAI registration

19 Deposit Process by researcher Register Login and password Complete metadata fields (author, title,..) Choose subject category stages Cut and paste abstract and references Upload paper as file(s) Admininstrator QA

20 Archive Administrators Role The Administrator quality controls –Metadata –File upload Transfers metadata and related files into the repository

21 Information space - a national vision: e-Prints + data + e-learning e-Banks UK

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