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I’m ready for anything ! Come on Ted. The kids are bringing their toys today. Should be fun but we’ll be busy! A Story By Room 3 Reignier Catholic Primary.

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Presentation on theme: "I’m ready for anything ! Come on Ted. The kids are bringing their toys today. Should be fun but we’ll be busy! A Story By Room 3 Reignier Catholic Primary."— Presentation transcript:

1 I’m ready for anything ! Come on Ted. The kids are bringing their toys today. Should be fun but we’ll be busy! A Story By Room 3 Reignier Catholic Primary School I’m ready for anything!

2 I’m going to have fun with you today, Morgan! I’m going to have fun with you too!

3 Ahhh! No fair! Naughty Sheepy! Don’t dive off my head!

4 Do you want to have a slide Barney? Can you hold my hand?

5 Sorry Lemon. You can’t play on them…you are too little and you might fall off! Please Lily. I’ll be careful!

6 Naughty doggy you are not allowed in the pool. Oh yes I am!

7 Don’t go climbing up there by yourself and fall off or I will be sad! O.k. I won’t fall off!

8 Naughty cat you are not allowed to play four square! But I want to play four square!

9 Let’s go over the fence Rattles. We’ll have a swim. But we’re not allowed to!

10 Fluffy let’s climb the tree so we can see the whole school. Oh yes. Let’s go!

11 Let’s play together in the pool, Lamby and we will have fun. Let’s dive in!

12 Don’t jump on the table Elle! Oka y

13 Let’s go for a swim Barney. We’ll have to climb the fence and sneakily come out! I like being naughty!

14 Yes I will! No, you naughty seal you will not go on the bars!

15 Max, let’s count the numbers on the hundreds board. Yes. That’s a good idea!

16 Shall we go on the wobbly bridge Piggy? Be careful Piggy. It’s very wobbly! I think that’s a cool idea!

17 Do you want to read a library book with me hippo? Of course. I am learning to read!

18 We are in the class room now. Sorry you can’t sit here with me. But I want to! We are in the classroom now. Sorry you can’t sit here with me. But I want to!

19 Googoo, do you want to come in the pool with me? It’s cold! No way Hose!

20 Let’s have a race Mr Ericksen. Now let’s have break because I’m tired! I’m not tired I still want to race!

21 Let’s go in the pool Teddy. There’s no teachers looking! We’ll get in trouble!

22 I LOVE YOU ROSEBUD! I love you too Sophie.


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